Dear all presenters of the Conference, please follow the guidelines to write full paper as below:

  1. The Author’s Title & Name, University/Organisation, Paper Title and Contact Details (email, phone, fax) to be stated clearly on the cover page of the paper. Please click here for the template cover page. (UPDATE)
  2. All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 200 words in 10 point Times New Roman, not italicized, and indented both left and right.
  3. Length – No more than 10,000 words, inclusive of footnotes, using Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide), you may refer this link. Please adhere strictly to this requirement.
  4. Contributions should have a title which is both concise and descriptive. Titles to articles should be centred in bold and have title capitals.
  5. If your manuscript contains special characters, equations, etc, please make sure to also supply a PDF version as a reference file. This will be used to ensure any formatting issues introduced during the submission process can be corrected accurately.
  6. Please use the following document structure: (1) Introduction, (2) the Main Body, and (3) Conclusion. Heading 1 should be centered; heading two should be left indented; heading three should be left indented and italicized.
  7. Font – Size 12, Cambria
  8. Single spacing of text throughout
  9. Microsoft Word Document Format (doc. or docx.)
  10. Papers to be sent to before 20 July 2017 at 23.59 GMT+7 (Jakarta time)