Agus Trihartono, S.Sos, M.A, Ph.D.
Lecturer at International Relations of Social and Political Science, University of Jember
Degree | Campus | Major |
1994 | S1/ Sarjana (S.Sos) | Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia. | Hubungan Internasional |
2007 | S2/Master of Arts (MA) | Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. | International Relations |
2013 | S3/ Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) | Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. | International Relations |
Courses Taught
- Political Economy Theory (S3)
- Regional Development (S2)
- Reading Course (S2)
- Comparative Politics (S1)
- Diplomacy (S1)
- Public Diplomacy (S1)
- Gastrodiplomacy (S1)
- Human Security and Global Issues (S1)
- United States Studies (S1)
(last 3 years)
Year | Research Title | Funds |
2019-2022 | Identifikasi dan Konstruksi Gastrodiplomasi Indonesia | DRPM, Kemenristek Dikti
(Ketua) |
2021 | Eksplorasi dan Pengembangan Perspektif Indonesia tentang Keamanan Insani (Human Security) | DRPM, Kemenristek Dikti
(Anggota) |
2019 | Hibah Penulisan Buku LP2M: Diplomasi publik memenangkan hati dan pikiran | LP2M Universitas Jember
(Ketua) |
2019 | Hibah Penulisan Buku LP2M: Keamanan dan Sekuritisasi dalam Hubungan Internasional | LP2M Universitas Jember
(Ketua) |
2020 | Hibah Penulisan Buku LP2M: Regionalisme dalam Pusaran Globalisme dan Nasionalisme | LP2M Universitas Jember
(Anggota) |
2020 | Hibah Reworking: The Limitation of United States Deterrence Strategy Towards North Korean Cyber Attacks | LP2M Universitas Jember
(Ketua) |
(last 3 years)
Year | Title | Publisher/ Journal |
Category | ||
Buku (last 3 years) |
2019 | Saling in Waves: Indonesia Menuju Negara Maritim
Penulis: A. Trihartono, A.E Hara, M. Iqbal |
Pandiva Media
Yogyakarta | 2019 ISBN: 9786025583056 |
Buku | ||
2109 | Mengenal Pembelajaran Komunikasi Total Penulis: Purwowibowo, Kris Hendrijanto, Agus Trihartono | Pandiva Media
Yogyakarta | 2019 ISBN: 9786025583100 |
Buku | ||
2020 | Diplomasi publik menangkan hati dan pikiran
Penulis: Agus Trihartono, Abubakar Eby Hara, Fikry Z. Pamungkas |
Melvana Media Indonesia
Depok | 2020 ISBN: 9786237439158
Buku | ||
2020 | Keamanan dan Sekuritisasi dalam Hubungan Internasional
Penulis: Agus Trihartono, Suyani Indriastuti, Chairun Nisya |
Melvana Media Indonesia Depok | 2020
ISBN: 9786237439165
Buku | ||
2020 | Ritual Agraris dan Bahari
Penulis: Novi Anoegrajekti, Sudartomo Macaryus, Agus Trihartono |
Cantrik Pustaka
Yogyakarta | 2020 ISBN: 9786020708706
Buku | ||
2020 | Regionalisme dalam Pusaran Globalisme dan Nasionalisme
Penulis: Suyani Indriastuti, Abubakar Eby Hara, Agus Trihartono |
KDH| 2020
ISBN: 9786236916186 |
Buku | ||
2021 | Gastrodiplomasi di Asia
Penulis: Agus Trihartono, Budhy Santosos, Purwowibowo |
Pandiva Media Yogyakarta | 2021
ISBN: 9786025583612 |
Buku | ||
Jurnal (last 3 years) |
2019 | Jurnal
A E Hara, A. Trihartono, CRA Saputro China’s Re-Construction of Old Silk Road and Its Implications on Indonesia
Journal of Integrative International Relations
2019-10-19 | journal-article |
Jurnal Internasional
2020 | A. Trihartono, Purwiowibowo, B. Santoso, A.E. Hara. Pembawa Pesan Terdepan: Diaspora Dalam Gastrodiplomasi Indonesia | Jurnal Entitas Sosiologi 9 (1), 1-18 .2020 |
Jurnal Nasional
2020 | Viartasiwi N, Trihartono A. Café in small towns: A picture of the weakening social engagement. | Coffee Science – ISSN 1984 3909, v. 15, p. e151687, 25 Jun. 2020. |
Jurnal Internasional
Terindeks Scopus |
2020 | N. Viartasiwi, A. Trihartono, A.E. Hara. Unpacking Indonesia’s Cultural Diplomacy: Potential and Challenges. | International Journal Sustainable Future for Human Security (J-SustaiN) 7 (2), 2020 |
Jurnal Internasional
2021 | Kukuh Ugie Sembodho, Agus Trihartono, Abubakar Eby Hara. The Limitation of United States Deterrence Strategy Towards North Korean Cyber Attacks | Global Strategis 15(1), 149-166. 2021.
Jurnal nasional Terakreditasi
Sinta 2 |
2022 | S. Indriastuti, AE Hara, HB Patriadi, A. Trihartono, S. Sunarko:
“Health versus Economic Security: an Ambivalence of Anti-Tobacco Norm Internalisation in Indonesia” |
Journal of Human Security 18 (1), 2022, 5-17 | Jurnal Internasional
Terindeks Scopus |
2022 | A. Trihartono and Suyatno Ladiqi: “Extending gastrodiplomacy: Blending the Geographical Indication (GI) and “Kopi Indonesia” | IIUM Law Journal, 30 (S1) 2022 IIUMLJ, pp. 69-89 | Jurnal Internasional
Terindeks Web of Science (WoS) |
2022 | A.Trihartono, B Santoso, HB Patriadi
Book Review: ” Murdijati-Gardjito et al. Indonesian Gastronomy (Volumes 1 and 2), Yogyakarta: Global Pustaka Utama. 2019. 314 pp. |
The Journal of Indonesia Sustainable Development Planning (Jisdep). Vol. 3 (1), April 2022. | Jurnal Internasional
2022 | Ypriliansi Nora Evita, A Trihartono, Adhiningasih Prabhawati: “Pengakuan Unesco atas Batik Sebagai Warisan Budaya Tak Benda (WBTB)” | Majalah Ilmiah “DIAN ILMU” Vol.21 No.2 April 2022. pp. 128-128. | Jurnal nasional Terakreditasi
Sinta |
2022 | Abubakar Eby Hara, A Trihartono and Himawan Bayu Patriadi. “The role of government in post-legislative scrutiny: case study of revision to the Indonesian Fisheries Law”. | Accepted to publish in forthcoming volume.
International Journal of Public Policy Inderscience Publishers Ltd
Jurnal Internasional
Terindeks Scopus |
2022 | Culinary Diaspora: An Anchor for Indonesian Gastrodiplomacy in the Netherlands | The Hague Journal of Diplomacy | Under Review | ||
2022 | Indonesia’s Gastrodiplomacy:
Stranded in the Wealth of Soft Power |
Sage Open | Under Review | ||
Proceedings |
2019 | Purwowibowo, K Hendrijanto, A.Trihartono
Total Communication Learning Model: Using pictures, writing and reading to increase language capacity for deaf children
Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018)
2019 | other |
Prosiding Internasional | ||
2019 | Y Nurdiansyah, P Pandunata, N D Prasetyo, A.Trihartono, F G Putrianti and F Wijayanto
Application of blood donor routine detector using K-Nearest neighbors
2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 293 012042 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2019 | A E Hara, HB Patriadi, A.Trihartono
ASEAN Responses to External Challenges From The Cold War to Indo-Pacific: Does ASEAN Still Play A Pivotal Role?
The International Conference on ASEAN 2019, 18-26
2019 | conference-paper |
Prosiding Terindeks WOS | ||
2019 | A.E Hara, A.Trihartono
The Failure of Islamic Populism: The Case of Indonesia’s 2019 Election
Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2019) DOI: 10.2991/aicosh-19.2019.59 |
Prosiding Internasional | ||
2019 | C Nisya, B S Sunarko and A.Trihartono
In education we trust: Combating human insecurity of bacha bazi in Afghanistan
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019 | conference-paper
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/243/1/012159EID: 2-s2.0-85064877519 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2019 | C R A Saputro, A E Hara and A.Trihartono
A Suspicious opportunity: A huge belt and road initiative (BRI) of the PRC
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2019 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/243/1/012097EID: 2-s2.0-85064884822 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2019 | F Z Pamungkas, B S Sunarko and A.Trihartono
The past is the future: Learning from Tanzania in securitizing and combating malaria endemic as a national security issue
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2019 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/243/1/012148EID: 2-s2.0-85064854906 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | A.Trihartono, Purwowibowo, B Santoso, FZ Pamungkas and C Nisya
The early stage of Indonesia’s gastrodiplomacy: In the middle of nowhere?
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012008EID: 2-s2.0-85086271232Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | A Sa’ir, U Sholahudin and A.Trihartono
Social and cultural behavior in handling urban issues: The case of Surabaya, Indonesia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012011EID: 2-s2.0-85086276118Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | A H S Negoro, Muhlisin, N Masyithoh, M Kusumah and A.Trihartono
Maritime policies in the era of regional autonomy: Identifying the challenges
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012030EID: 2-s2.0-85086233041Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | Asmuni, Rohim and A. Trihartono
Minimizing brain drain: How BumDes holds the best resources in the villages
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012011EID: 2-s2.0-85086276118Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | A.Trihartono, N Viartasiwi and C Nisya
The giant step of tiny toes: Youth impact on the securitization of climate change
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012007EID: 2-s2.0-85086267478Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | N Anoegrajekti, S Macaryus, A.Trihartono, C Nisya and FZ Pamungkas
Beyond the rituals: Using on the social economics context
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012013EID: 2-s2.0-85086277282Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | A Trihartono, B Santoso, AE Hara, FZ Pamungkas and N Viartasiwi
Frontline messenger: Preliminary study on Indonesian “diaspora” in gastrodiplomacy
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012009EID: 2-s2.0-85086278338 Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2020 | W Faisol, S Indriastuti and A Trihartono.
Indonesia and OPEC: Why does Indonesia maintain its distance?
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
2020 | conference-paper DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/485/1/012010EID: 2-s2.0-85086245518Part of ISBN: 17551315 17551307 |
Prosiding Terindeks Scopus | ||
2021 | Agus Trihartono, Abubakar Eby Hara, Muhammad Iqbal
The Development of Indonesian Maritime Thinking in a Security Perspective |
Proceedings of Airlangga Conference on International Relations (ACIR 2018) – Politics, Economy, and Security in Changing Indo-Pacific Region, pages 635-640
ISBN: 978-989-758-493-0 DOI: 10.5220/0010281406350640 |
Prosiding Internasional |
(last 3 years)
Year | Title | Reg. No |
2019 | Beyond The Ivory Tower: Challenges Towards Realizing An ASEAN Community 2015
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | The Evolving ASEAN Security Community: Background and Rationales
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Beyond Measuring The Voice Of The People: The Evolving Role Of Political Polling In Indonesia’s Local Leader Elections
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Shaman And Politics In Indonesia
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Sailing in Waves: Indonesia Menuju Negara Maritim
Inventor : Agus Trihartono, Abubakar Eby Hara, Muhammad Iqbal Patent Holder : Universitas Jember. |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | In Education We Trust: Combating Human Insecurity Of Bacha Bazi In Afghanistan
Inventor : Choirun Nisya, Bagus Sigit Sunarko, Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Book Review: Indonesia Matters: Asia s Emerging Democratic Power by Amitav Acharya. (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 2014. 148 pp).
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Myanmar’s Worsening Rohingya Crisis: A Call For Responsibility To Protect And ASEAN’s Response
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | The Past Is The Future: Learning From Tanzania In Securitizing And Combating Malaria Endemic As A National Security Issue
Inventor : Fikry Zuledy Pamungkas, Bagus Sigit Sunarko, Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Book Review: Contemporary Conflicts In Southeast Asia: Towards A New ASEAN Way Of Conflict Management. By Mikio Oishi (Ed).
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Total Communication Learning Model: Using Pictures, Writing And Reading To Increase Language Capacity For Deaf Children
Inventor : Purwowibowo, Kris Hendrijanto, Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2019 | Mengenal Pembelajaran Komunikasi Total Bagi Anak Tunarungu
Inventor : Purwowibowo, Kris Hendrijanto, Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2020 | Diplomasi Publik: Memenangkan Hati Dan Pikiran
Inventor : Agus Trihartono, Abubakar Eby Hara, Fikry Z Pamungkas |
Hak Cipta |
2020 | Ritual Agraris Dan Bahari
Inventor : Novi Anoegrajekti, Sudartomo Macaryus, Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2020 | Keamanan Dan Sekuritisasi Dalam Hubungan Internasional
Inventor : Agus Trihartono, Suyani Indriastuti, Chairun Nisya |
Hak Cipta |
2020 | Gastrodiplomasi: Pilar Baru Softpower Indonesia
Inventor : Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2020 | Minimizing Brain Drain: How BumDes Holds The Best Resources In The Villages
Inventor : Asmuni, Rohim, Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2021 | Regionalisme dalam Pusaran Globalisme dan Nasionalisme.
Inventor: Suryani Indriasttuti, Abubakar Eby Hara, Agus Trihartono |
Hak Cipta |
2021 | Gastrodiplomasi di Asia
Agus Trihartono, Budhy Santoso, Purwowibowo |
Hak Cipta |
Other Experience
(last 3 years)
Tahun | Sebagai |
2019 | Dosen berprestasi bidang Sosial Humaniora, Universitas Jember, 2019. |
2019 | Finalis dosen berprestasi tingkat nasional bidang Sosial Humaniora, Kemenristek Dikti 2019. |
2019 | Reviewer Penelitian bidang Sosial Humaniora LP2M Universitas Jember |
2020 | Anggota Tim Penyusun Kajian akademik “Grand Strategy Diplomasi Soft Power Indonesia: Strategi, Arah dan Kebijakan Diplomasi Soft Power Indonesia”. Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia. |
2020 | Detaser Dikti untuk Program Detasering 2020, Kemendikbud RI tahun 2020 |
2020 | Reviewer Penelitian bidang Sosial Humaniora LP2M Universitas Jember |
2021 | Reviewer Penelitian bidang Sosial Humaniora LP2M Universitas Jember |
2021 | Reviewer Sertifikasi Dosen Kemendikbud RI |
2021 | Reviewer di berbagai jurnal baik nasional terakreditasi dan Internasional bereputasi. |