Ayu Megawati (Research Assistant)

Ayu graduated from Faculty of Law University of Jember, Indonesia. Her thesis about The Implications of People’s Republic of China’s Noncompliance Over the Permanent Court of Arbitration Decision on Case Number 2013-19 Toward Indonesia Exclusive Economic Zone in Natuna Sea was defended in December 2017. Besides actively involved at the Centre. Additionally, she had become Paralegal in Legal Aid Service, Faculty of Law University of Jember since 2016 to 2017. Rights now she acts as a research assistant of the CHRM2. Her main interest are maritime law, climate change and regulation study, and human rights.

Organization Experience
Manager of English Development, ALSA Local Chapter University of Jember, 2014 – 2015
Surveyor of Polmark Indonesia for political situation before local elections in Jember, 2015
Secretary General of Constitutional Law Association, 2015 – 2016
Para Legal in Legal Aid Services, Faculty of Law, University of Jember, 2016-2017
Assistance Researcher at CHRM2 UNEJ, 2017- Now

Design Graphic

Conference, Seminar & Summit
Presenting The Paper in Title ‘South China Sea Dispute from Indonesia Perspective’ for ALSA Forum in Taiwan, August 2014
Delegation for The 2014 Thammasat Summer Visiting Students Program at Thammasat University, Bangkok, September-October 2014
Delegation of ALSA National Seminar and Deliberations XXII in University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado, March 2015
Participant on Seminar of International Instrument to Protect Migrant Workers as a Guideline for Local Governance to make Local Regulations by Migrant Care Indonesia, April 2015
Participant of Validity Test for the Bill of Criminal Code Procedures by Regional Representative Board of Indonesia, June 2016
Presenting The Paper in Title ‘The Approach on the Environmental Eco-friendly Cooperation Concept for Policy Making to Provide the Legal Basis and to Develop Investments in the Energy Sector’ for World Blue Carbon Conference by Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs Indonesia, September 2017
Presenting The Paper in Title ‘The Challenge of Cooperation among ASEAN Member States to Eradicate, Prevent and Reduce Illegal Fishing and to Give Influences Over the Fisherman’ at Gadjah Mada University, November 2017
Presenting The Paper in Title ‘Temajuk Locals as Border Society and the Threats toward Radicalism and Extremism Dissemination’ at Gadjah Mada University, November 2017

The Best Panitera on ALSA National Moot Court Competition the Supreme Court Champion at Syah Kuala University, Banda Aceh 2015
13th Rank in Student Interpreneur by Indosat at University of Jember, December 2015

Article, 2017, The Challenge of Cooperation among ASEAN Member States to Eradicate, Prevent and Reduce Illegal Fishing and to Give Influences Over the Fisherman (on process)
Article, 2017, Temajuk Locals as Border Society and the Threats toward Radicalism and Extremism Dissemination (on process)
Thesis, 2018, The Implications of People’s Republic of China’s Noncompliance Over the Permanent Court of Arbitration Decision on Case Number 2013-19 Toward Indonesia Exclusive Economic Zone in Natuna Sea