Sonia Candra Dewi (Assistant Editor)
Student, UNEJ Faculty of Law

Sonia is a student of Law Faculty, Jember University. Besides studying Law, she actively writes and organizes events. She is also actively involved in campus organizations such as AIESEC and ALSA. Now she’s working in CHRM2 as Research Assistant and performs her duties as Ambassador for Law Faculty. Her main interests are Philosophy, Human Rights and Psychology.

Organization Experience
Secretary of PASKIBRA UJ 2015-2016
Manager of English Division ALSA LC UJ 2017-2018
Judicial Commission of Indonesia Internship 2016-2017
Manager of Member Capacity AIESEC in UNEJ 2017-2018
Research Assistant on The Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration UNEJ 2017-Now

Public Speaking & Networking

Conference, Seminar & Summit
Master of Ceremony in Guest Lecture Seminar FH UJ 2017
Liaison Officer Constitutional Law Conference of Indonesia 2017
Liaison Officer the Supreme Court debate, Faculty of Law UJ 2017
Master of Ceremony Anti-Corruption Seminar ALSA LC UJ
Moderator on International Youth Conference 2017
Moderator Seminar of the State Consultative Assemblies (MPR) Indonesia of State Guidelines in the Constitutional Law 2017
Project Officer Local Conference AIESEC in UNEJ 2017
Person in Charge Self Development and Public Speaking Training, Jember 2017
Delegates of National Summit Conference AIESEC Indonesia, Solo 2017
Delegates of PRAMUNAS and Leadership Training of ALSA, Surabaya 2017


2012       Runner 1 Debate English Senior High School Competition
2013       Champion 3 OSK Kebumian
2014       Champion 3 Senior High School Scientific Writing
2016      The Most Active Member on English Day Online ALSA LC UJ
2017      Top 10 of Short Story on Writing Competition Library Expo
2017      1st Winner Faculty of Law Ambassador
2018      5th Place The Most Outstanding Student of UNEJ