Our Team
Former Associate
Dr. Akhmad Taufiq
Research Team
Fiska Maulidan Nugroho
Research Team
Lecturer, UNEJ Faculty of Law
Ayu Megawati
Research Team
Misbahul Ilham
Assistant Editor
Faculty of Law, University of Jember
William Hunter
Via Fellow
M. Rizal Nugraha, S.Sos (UNEJ) Pratama
Event Organizer
Dani Nur Hadiyanto
Student, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Tamara S. Biddle
Research Fellow
VIA Fellow
Eleanor Jones
Research Fellow
VIA Fellow
Sonia Candra Dewi
Assistant Editor
Student, UNEJ Faculty of Law
Kukuh Ugie Sembodho
Student, Faculty of Social and Political Science
Regina Elisa Wijayanti,S.Sos. (UNEJ)
Program Officer
Evyta Rosiyanti Ramadhani
Lecturer, UNEJ Faculty of Law
Dr. Dian Abdul Hamed Shah
Research Associate
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore LL.B. (Warwick), LL.M. (Duke), SJD (Duke)
Silvia Laurent Elvina P.
Communication Officer
Student, UNEJ Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Noril Camelia
Web Designer
Student, UNEJ Faculty of Law
Hannah Sorenson
Research Fellow
VIA Fellow
Ibrahim Bharmal
Research Fellow
VIA Fellow
Deidre Conroy
Research Fellow
Natalia Aguilar Ruiz
Research Fellow
Maya Jasmine White, B.A, M.Sc.
Research Fellow
Cecilia Esterline
Research Fellow
Rose Anson Barnsley
Research Fellow
Ayu Triwidiastuti
Research Assistant
Ikhwan Firjaun Barlaman
Research Assistant
Faculty of Computer Science
Rizky Kusuma Ningrum
Research Assistant and Journal Officer
Farah Dina H
Research Assistant
Ghassani Auliannisa Widjajati
Research Assistant
Hartawan Bahari Mulyadi
Research Assistant
Faculty of Computer Science
Naomi Frim-Abrams
Research Fellow
Muhammad Bahrul Ulum
Elliot M. Gross
Research Fellow
Ivanna Eltiara Cahyani
Research Assistant
Wulan Mirdayanti Zschocke
Research Fellow
Adam Muhshi