Prof. Ns. Tantut Susanto (Researcher) Sarjana Keperawatan (Gadjah Mada University), Magister Keperawatan. (Universitas Indonesia), Spesialis Keperawatan Komunitas (Gadjah Mada University), Doctor of Philosophy (Kanazawa University of Japan)
Tantut Susanto graduated from School of Nursing Gadjah Mada University in 2005 prior to pursuing his Master Degree in Nursing at Faculty of Nursing at the University of Indonesia and graduated in 2010. In 2010, after graduated from Master Degree, he took specialists in community nursing at the University of Indonesia for one year and graduated in 2011. He received his Ph.D in 2017 with title of his dissertation thesis “Development and Testing of the Family Structure and Family Functions Scale for Parents Providing Adolescent Reproductive Health Based on the Friedman Family Assessment Model”. He has also been appointed as a Chief of the Eastern Java Community Nurses Association for 2024–2029.
Qualification : S.Kep (Gadjah Mada University), M.Kep. (Universitas Indonesia), Sp.Kep.Kom (Universitas Indonesia), PhD (Kanazawa University of Japan)
School : Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember
Research : Centre of Agronursing for Community, Family, and Elderly Health Studies
Email :
Personal Info
Tantut Susanto graduated from School of Nursing Gadjah Mada University in 2005 prior to pursuing his Master Degree in Nursing at Faculty of Nursing at the University of Indonesia and graduated in 2010. In 2010, after graduated from Master Degree, he took specialists in community nursing at the University of Indonesia for one year and graduated in 2011. He received his Ph.D in 2017 with title of his dissertation thesis “Development and Testing of the Family Structure and Family Functions Scale for Parents Providing Adolescent Reproductive Health Based on the Friedman Family Assessment Model”. He has also been appointed as a Chief of the Eastern Java Community Nurses Association for 2024–2029.</em >
Areas of Expertise
- Community Health Nursing
- Family Health Nursing
- Geriatrics Nursing
- Agronursing
- Epidemiology
Courses Taught
- Community Health Nursing
- Family Health Nursing
- Community Aggregates
- Geriatrics Nursing
- Health Promotion and Health Education in Nursing
- Principles Agronursing
- Epidemiology in Nursing
- Agronursing Care in Rural and Urban Areas
- Behavioral and Social Sciences in Health
Selected Books and Journals
- Kurniawan, E, Susanto, T, (2023). Buku Ajar Agronursing : Pendekatan Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Sektor Agroindustri. KHD Production: Bondowoso
- Susanto, T. (2023). Terapi Keperawatan Keluarga. UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember : Jember
- Susanto, T. (2023). Keperawatan Komunitas Dan Keluarga : Aplikasi Dalam Pendidikan Profesi Ners. Perkumpulan Al Hijrah Indonesia : Jombang.
- Susanto, T. (2022). Perawatan Keluarga Dalam Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Nutrisi Balita : Aplikasi Keperawatan Keluarga Dalam Konteks Agronursing. Trans Info Media : Jakarta.
- Susanto, T. (2022) Praktikum Keperawatan Keluarga : Aplikasi Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga.UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember : Jember
- Susanto, T. (2022). Agronursing : Aplikasi Keperawatan Komunitas & Keluarga Dalam Konteks Agronursing. Trans Info Media : Jakarta.
- Susanto, T. (2022). Formulasi Plant-Based Diet Sebagai Manajemen Asuhan Keperawatan Hipertensi Pada Petani Di Komunitas. KHD Production: Bondowoso
- Susanto, T. (2022). Statistik Dalam Keperawatan : Pendekatan Berbasis Praktik Statistik Bagi Mahasiswa Keperawatan. UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember : Jember
- Susanto, T. (2022). Monograf : Makanan Tambahan Bergizi Dan Bervariasi Bagi Balita : Pemanfaatan Hasil Pertanian Lokal Untuk Masalah Stunting Pada Balita Dengan Pendekatan Agronursing. KHD Production: Bondowoso.
- Nurinto, H, Maulina, N., Susanto, (2022). Bestari Warnai Negeri : 27 Catatan Alumni Dan Mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan UGM. Samudra Biru: Yogyakarta.
- Susanto, T. ((2022)). Praktikum Keperawatan Keluarga: Aplikasi Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga. (105 pages). Jember: UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Keluarga: Aplikasi Teori pada Praktik Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga. (A. P. Padaallah, Ed., et al.). (300 pages). Jakarta: CV. Trans Info Media.
- Herdman, T. H., Kamitsuru, S., Lopes, C. T., Keliat, B. A., Mediani, H. S., Susanto, T., et al. (2021). Nanda-I Diagnosis Keperawatan: Definisi dan Klasifikasi 2021-(2023). (505 pages). Jakarta: EGC.
- Susanto, T., et al. (2021). Pola Hidup Sehat dan Perawatan Mandiri Masalah Hipertensi. (41 pages). Bondowoso: KHD Production.
- Susanto, T., et al. (2020). Pemenuhan Perawatan Keluarga dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19. (108 pages). Bondowoso: KHD Production.
- Susanto, T., et al. (2020). Buku Ajar Praktikum Keperawatan Komunitas. (203 pages). Jakarta: EGC.
- Widya, T., et al. (2020). Perawat: Lebah Pekerja Mengagumkan. (205 pages). Bogor: Binsar Hiras.
- Rasni, H., et al. (2020). Buku Praktikum Keperawatan Gerontik. (137 pages). Bondowoso: KHD Production.
- Susanto, T., et al. (2020). Pemenuhan Perawatan Keluarga dalam Masa Pandemi Covid-19. (108 pages). Bondowoso: KHD Production.
- Susanto, T., et al. (2019). Perawatan HIV/AIDS di Komunitas. (80 pages). Bondowoso: KHD Production.
- Rasni, H., et al. (2019). Agronursing Asuhan Keperawatan Komunitas pada Masyarakat Petani. (130 pages). Unknown Place: KHD Production.
- Rosyidi, K., et al. (2019). Penggunaan Tari Tradisional: Sebagai Kearifan Lokal dalam Mempertahankan Kualitas Tidur, Tekanan Darah, Resiko Jatuh, dan Keseimbangan. (71 pages). Bondowoso: KHD Production.
- Susanto, T., Rosyidi, K., Astuti, S. Y. (2019). Buku Pegangan Bagi Fasilitator Program Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja SMP. (44 pages). Jember: KHD Production.
- Susanto, T., Rosyidi, K., Astuti, S. Y., et al. (2019). Buku Pegangan Bagi Siswa SMP dalam Program Kesehatan Remaja. (35 pages). Jember: KHD Production.
- Susanto, T., et al. (2019). Penggunaan Kearifan Lokal dalam Perawatan Keluarga dengan Anak Remaja. (60 pages). Bondowoso: KHD Production.
- Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Jember. (2018). Panduan Praktikum Pengkajian Keperawatan Gerontik. (107 pages). Jember: UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember.
- Susanto, T., Sahar, J., Permatasari, H., Putra, S. E. (2014). Perawatan Klien Kusta di Komunitas. Jakarta: Trans Info Media.
- Susanto, T. (2013). Keperawatan Gerontik. Jember: UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember.
- Susanto, T. (2012). Buku Ajar Keperawatan Keluarga: Aplikasi Teori pada Praktek Keperawatan Keluarga. Jakarta: Trans Info Media
Journals Articles
- Yunanto, R. A. (2023). A Community-Based Program for Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle Among Farmers in Indonesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Health Education and Health Promotion.
- Meiyana, N. S. (2023). Analysis of hospital management information system satisfaction using the end-user computing satisfaction method: A cross-sectional study. Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran.
- Lusiana, S. A. (2023). Health Education Program for Improving of Food Intake of Breakfast and Vegetables Consumption: A Quasi Experiment among Elementary School Students in Indonesia. Central European Journal of Paediatrics.
- Susanto, T. (2023). Management of Hypertension Using a Plant-Based Diet Among Farmers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Research Protocols.
- Susanto, T. (2023). Family structure and function in relation to adolescent reproductive health in developing countries: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Practice.
- Susanto, T. (2023). Factors Influencing Sexuality, Gender and Norms of Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Adolescents in Indonesia. Journal of Health Research.
- Susanto, T. (2022). Quality of Life Among People Living with HIV/AIDS Attending Care Support and Treatment Program: A Triangulation Approached. HIV Nursing.
- Susanto, T. (2022). Community-based intervention of chronic disease management program in rural areas of Indonesia. Frontiers of Nursing.
- Susanto, T. (2022). The Experiences of Leprosy Clients Attending Self-Care Groups During Community-Based Rehabilitation for Fulfilling Their Health Needs. Indian Journal of Leprosy.
- Grande, R. A. N. (2022). Nursing competency inventory and professional competence of graduating students in six Asian countries: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today.
- Susanto, T. (2022). Development of Psychometrics for Adolescents’ Care Based on the Local Wisdom of the Pandalungan Family in Indonesia. Central European Journal of Paediatrics.
- Nur, K. R. M. (2022). Traditional dance “Molong Kopi” for maintaining health status among older adults in long-term care of Indonesia. Working with Older People.
- Susanto, T. (2022). The difference of physical activity and gender: A secondary data analysis of non-communicable disease among farmers in Public Health Center of Jember Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Caring Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2022). The comparing of problem-based learning and lecture-based learning on students learning outcomes and satisfaction for a family health nursing course. Journal publish at 2022.
- Susanto, T. (2022). Physical activity and body mass index among farmers: A secondary data analysis of Non-Communicable Disease Program at Public Health Center of Jember, Indonesia. International Journal of Caring Sciences.
- Gunawan, Y. E. S. (2022). Cultural, belief and lifeaway factors in diabetes patients: An ethnonursing study. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Effects of progressive muscular relaxation and stretching exercises combination on blood pressure among farmers in rural areas of Indonesia: A randomized study. Frontiers of Nursing.
- Mardiana, I. (2021). Coping strategies and quality of life among older people with hypertension: A cross-sectional study. Cogitare Enfermagem.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Determination Of Maternal And Child Health Status In Relation To Nutritional Status And Development Of Children During Lactation: A Cross-Sectional Study Between Mothers With 0 – 6 Months Children In Rural Agricultural Areas Of Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Family structure and function in relation to adolescent reproductive health in developing countries: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Practice.
- Suherman, R. N. (2021). The relationship between parenting style and gadget addiction among preschoolers. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Prevalence of malnutrition and stunting among under-five children: A cross-sectional study family of quality of life in agricultural areas of Indonesia. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Validity and reliability of Indonesian public health nursing competencies in achieving Indonesian healthy program with a family approach: A pilot study. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing.
- Susanto, T. (2021). The relationship between environmental sanitation of the family and stunting among under-five children: A cross-sectional study in the public health center of Jember, Indonesia.
- Widyarani, D. (2021). Identifying Community/Public Health Nursing Competencies in Indonesia: A Modified Delphi Method. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing.
- Siswoyo. (2021). The influences of prompted voiding for urinary incontinence among older people in nursing homes. International Journal of Urological Nursing.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Cinema education using family films for improving the ability of nursing students in language and communication ability in family nursing care: A pilot study. Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Abdominal circumference and blood glucose levels among farmers: A cohort retrospective study of Non-Communicable Disease program in Public Health Center of Jember Regency, Indonesia.
- Susanto, T. (2021). The differences of blood sugar levels among smoker farmers and non-smoker farmers: Data Analysis of the integrated Non-Communicable Disease post (NCD) in Pakusari Public Health Centre of Jember Regency, Indonesia.
- Susanto, T. (2021). Coping mechanisms and quality of life among elderly people with hypertension: A cross-sectional study. Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO).
- Susanto, T. (2020). Caring for Adolescents Based on the Wisdom of Indonesian Pandalungan Culture: An Ethnonursing Pilot Study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing.
- Susanto, T. (2020). Community-based occupational health promotion programme: an initiative project for Indonesian agricultural farmers. Health Education.
- Susanto, T. (2020). Human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability among healthcare workers, parents, and adolescent pupils: A pilot study in public health centers of Bali, Indonesia. GERMS.
- Nurtanti, S. (2020). Characteristics, causality, and suicidal behavior: a qualitative study of family members with a suicide history in Wonogiri, Indonesia. Frontiers of Nursing.
- Saputri, N. D. (2020). Association between cognitive function and quality of life in aged people in an elderly home. Revista Cubana de Enfermeria.
- Li, W. (2020). Presenteeism among Chinese workers in Japan and its relationship with mental health and health-promoting lifestyles. Industrial Health.
- Susanto, T. (2020). The differences of characteristics of contraceptive method of condom and vasectomy: A cross-sectional study among married of male in Indonesia. tmrjournals.
- Susanto, T. (2020). Protecting the Rights of Leprosy Affected People in Rural Community of Jember, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Leprosy.
- Tamaki, Y. (2019). Characteristics of heart failure patients incurring high medical costs via matching specific health examination results and medical claim data: A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open.
- Husna, P. H. (2019). Breast self-examination education for skill and behavior. Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice.
- Handayani, S. (2019). Quality of Life People Living with HIV/AIDS and Its Characteristic from a VCT Centre in Indonesia. Ethiopian journal of health sciences.
- Mahardita, N. G. P. (2019). Prevalence of disability and drop out from treatment: A cross-sectional study of social stigma and motivation for healing among people affected by leprosy in the district of Jember, East Java Province, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Leprosy.
- Susanto, T. (2019). Using values of local wisdom for family healthcare of adolescents in the Indonesian context. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health.
- Susanto, T. (2019). Prevalence of hypertension and predictive factors of self-efficacy among elderly people with hypertension in institutional-based rehabilitation in Indonesia. Journal publish at 2019.
- Alshammari, F. (2019). A survey of hospital healthcare professionals’ perceptions toward patient safety culture in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2019). Promoting Children Growth and Development: A community-based cluster randomized controlled trial in rural areas of Indonesia. Public Health Nursing.
- Susanto, T. (2019). Performance of public health nurses and coverage of the nursing care program by community health centers in Jember, Indonesia. International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery.
- Koike, M. (2019). Validation of the relationship consciousness of Japanese Patients with type 2 diabetes scale. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Public health nurse services for maternal-child immigrant healthcare: A literature review. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Development and testing of the family structure and family functions scale for parents providing adolescent reproductive health based on the Friedman family assessment model. Journal of Nursing Measurement.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Immaturity in puberty and negative attitudes toward reproductive health among Indonesian adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health.
- Susanti, I. A. (2018). Social stigma, adherence to medication and motivation for healing: A cross-sectional study of leprosy patients at Jember Public Health Center, Indonesia. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Development and testing of the family structure and family functions scale for parents providing adolescent reproductive health based on the Friedman family assessment model. Journal of Nursing Measurement.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Immaturity in puberty and negative attitudes toward reproductive health among Indonesian adolescents. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health.
- Susanti, I. A. (2018). Social stigma, adherence to medication and motivation for healing: A cross-sectional study of leprosy patients at Jember Public Health Center, Indonesia. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Quality of life of elderly tobacco farmers in the perspective of agricultural nursing: A qualitative study.
- Susanto, T. (2018). First Aid Guideline (FAG): A first aid education application for children aged 11-14 years in Indonesia. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Structural model for public health nurses, performance in the implementation of family nursing based on nursing relational capital. International Journal of Caring Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2018). Peer educator training program for enhancing knowledge on issues in the growth and development of adolescents and risk behavior problems in Indonesian context. Frontiers of Nursing.
- Susanto, T. (2017). Local-food-based complementary feeding for the nutritional status of children ages 6–36 months in rural areas of Indonesia. Korean Journal of Pediatrics.
- Kholifah, S. (2017). Structural model of factors relating to the health promotion behavior of reproductive health among Indonesian adolescents. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2017). The experiences of people affected by leprosy who participated in self- care groups in the community: A qualitative study in Indonesia. Leprosy Review.
- Susanto, T. (2017). Prevalence and associated factors of health problems among Indonesian farmers. Chinese Nursing Research.
- Susanto, T. (2017). A phenomenological study of families with drug-using children living in the society. International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
- Susanto, T. (2016). Prevalence of factors related to active reproductive health behavior: a cross-sectional study Indonesian adolescent. Epidemiology and health.
- Syahrul, S. (2016). Prevalence of underweight and overweight among school-aged children and its association with children’s sociodemographic and lifestyle in Indonesia. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2016). School health promotion: A cross-sectional study on Clean and Healthy Living Program Behavior (CHLB) among Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2016). A community-based friendly health clinic: An initiative adolescent reproductive health project in the rural and urban areas of Indonesia. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.
- Susanto, T. (2015). Relactation method for improving exclusive breastfeeding at Arjasa community health center, SUB-Province Jember, East Java, Indonesia. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN).
- Susanto, T. (2011). A Phenomenological study on leprosy clients experience in having leprosy treatment at jenggawah public health center area at Jember, East Java, Indonesia. The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN).
- Susanto, T., Rasny, H., Kurdi, F., Yunanto, R. A., & Rahmawati, I. (2023). Management of Hypertension Using a Plant-Based Diet Among Farmers: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. *JMIR Research Protocols, 12*(3), e41146.
- Susanto, T., & Gunawan, J. (2023). Family structure and function in relation to adolescent reproductive health in developing countries: A scoping review. *International Journal of Nursing Practice, 29*(1), e13004.
- Susanto, T., Saputra, M. R., Septiyono, E. A., Yunanto, R. A., & Deviantony, F. (2023). Spirituality and family support related family self-efficacy during physical distancing of COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among family in Indonesia. *Pielęgniarstwo XXI Wieku-Nursing in the 21 Century, 22*(3), e0033.
- Grande, R. A. N., Berdida, D. J. E., Susanto, T., Khan, A., Waelveerakup, W., & Saad, Z. (2022). Nursing competency inventory and professional competence of graduating students in six Asian countries: A cross-sectional study. *Nurse Education Today, 108*, 105470.
- Susanto, T., Rasni, H., & Susumaningrum, L. A. (2021). Prevalence of malnutrition and stunting among under-five children: A cross-sectional study family of quality of life in agricultural areas of Indonesia. *Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, 14*(2), 1-7.
- Susanto, T., & Gunawan, J. (2021). Family structure and function in relation to adolescent reproductive health in developing countries: A scoping review. *International Journal of Nursing Practice, 27*(4), e13004.
- Siswoyo, L., Lestari, C., Susanto, T., Rasni, H., Hakam, M., & Ridla, A. Z. (2021). The influences of prompted voiding for urinary incontinence among older people in nursing homes. *International Journal of Urological Nursing, 15*(1), 29-36.
- Susanto, T., Yunanto, R. A., Rasni, H., Susumaningrum, L. A., & Mahardita, N. G. P. (2021). Multi-level intervention for HIV/AIDS caring in Indonesian community. *HIV & AIDS Review, 20*, 1-9.
- Aristi, D. L. A., Rasni, H., Susumaningrum, L. A., Susanto, T., & Siswoyo, S. (2020). The Relationship Between High Sodium Food Consumption and The Incidence of Hypertension Among Farm Workers at Public Health Centre of Panti in Jember Regency. *Buletin Penelitian Sistem Kesehatan, 23*(1), 1-10.
- Susanto, T., Rasni, H., Susumaningrum, L. A., Rahmawati, I., Yunanto, R. A., & Septiyono, E. A. (2020). Caring for Adolescents Based on the Wisdom of Indonesian Pandalungan Culture: An Ethnonursing Pilot Study. *Journal of Pediatric Nursing-Nursing Care of Children & Families, 57*, 16-22.
- Li, W., Moriyama, M., Cui, Y. A., Kazawa, K., Nakaya, T., & Susanto, T. (2020). Presenteeism among Chinese workers in Japan and its relationship with mental health and health-promoting lifestyles. *Industrial Health, 58*(2), 121-132.
- Rahmatillah, V. P., Susanto, T., & Nur, K. R. M. (2020). The Correlation of Characteristic, Body Mass Index, and Blood Pressure Among Older People in Posbindu. *Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 30*(3), 205-212.
- Susanto, T., Rif’ah, E. N., Susumaningrum, L. A., Rahmawati, I., Yunanto, R. A., & Evayanti, N. L. P. (2020). Human papillomavirus vaccine acceptability among healthcare workers, parents, and adolescent pupils: a pilot study in public health centers of Bali, Indonesia. *Germs, 10*(4), 290–298.
- Koike, M., Inagaki, M., Tasaki, K., Matsui, K., Horiguchi, T., Oda, A., & Susanto, T. (2019). Validation of the relationship consciousness of Japanese Patients with type 2 diabetes scale. *International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 6*(1), 46-51.
- Handayani, S., Ratnasari, N. Y., Husna, P. H., Marni, Susanto, T. (2019). Quality of Life People Living with HIV/AIDS and Its Characteristic from a VCT Centre in Indonesia. *Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, 29*(6), 743-750.
- Husna, P. H., Marni, Nurtanti, S., Handayani, S., Ratnasari, N. Y., Ambarwati, R., & Susanto, T. (2019). Breast self-examination education for skill and behavior. *Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice, 32*(2), 66–71.
- Tamaki, Y., Kazawa, K., Watanabe, H., Susanto, T., & Moriyama, M. (2019). Characteristics of heart failure patients incurring high medical costs via matching specific health examination results and medical claim data: a cross-sectional study. *BMJ Open, 9*(12), e031422.
- Susanto, T., Yunanto, R. A., Rasny, H., Susumaningrum, L. A., & Nur, K. R. M. (2019). Promoting Children Growth and Development: A community-based cluster randomized controlled trial in rural areas of Indonesia. *Public Health Nursing, 36*(4), 511–518.
- Susanto, T., Arisandi, D., Kumakura, R., Oda, A., Koike, M., Tsuda, A., … & Sugama, J. (2018). Development and Testing of the Family Structure and Family Functions Scale for Parents Providing Adolescent Reproductive Health Based on the Friedman Family Assessment Model. *Journal of Nursing Measurement, 26*(2), 217-232.
- Susanti, I. A., Mahardita, N. G. P., Alfianto, R., Sujana, I. M. I. W. C., Siswoyo, Susanto, T. (2018). Social stigma, adherence to medication and motivation for healing: A cross-sectional study of leprosy patients at Jember Public Health Center, Indonesia. *Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 13*(1), 339–345.
- Ekaprasetia, F., Kristianto, H., Susanto, T. (2018). First Aid Guideline (FAG): A first aid education application for children aged 11-14 years in Indonesia. *Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 13*(1), 367-372.
- Kholifah, S. N., Yumni, H., Minarti, Susanto, T. (2017). Structural model of factors relating to the health promotion behavior of reproductive health among Indonesian adolescents. *International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 4*(4), 363-368.
- Susanto, T., Dewi, E. I., Rahmawati, I. (2017). The experiences of people affected by leprosy who participated in self-care groups in the community: A qualitative study in Indonesia. *Leprosy Review, 88*(4), 457-469.
- Syahrul, S., Kimura, R., Tsuda, A., Susanto, T., Saito, R., & Ahmad, F. (2017). Parental Perception of the Children’s Weight Status in Indonesia. *Nursing and Midwifery Studies, 6*(3), e38139.
- Susanto, T., Rahmawati, I., & Wantiyah. (2016). A community-based friendly health clinic: An initiative adolescent reproductive health project in the rural and urban areas of Indonesia. *International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 3*(4), 362-366.
- Susanto, T., Sulistyorini, L., Wuryaningsih, E. W., & Bahtiar, S. (2016). School health promotion: A cross-sectional study on Clean and Healthy Living Program Behavior (CHLB) among Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia. *International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 3*(3), 278-284.
- Syahrul, S., Kimura, R., Tsuda, A., Susanto, T., Saito, R., Ahmad, F. (2016). Prevalence of underweight and overweight among school-aged children and its association with children’s sociodemographic and lifestyle in Indonesia. *International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 3*(2), 123-128.
Presenting Papers in Conference as Speaker and Keynote Speaker
- 2011, Presenting Paper on “Pendekatan Community Health Nursing Dalam Permasalahan Kesehatan Jiwa Masyarakat” at 1st National Nursing Conference “Application of community mental health nursing in preventing mental ans psychosocial problems”, PSIK Universitas Jember, Indonesia.
- 2018, Family structure and family function for adolescent reproductive health in developing countries: A Literature review. Presented at the 3rd Asian Congress in Nursing Education ACiNE 2018, PSIK FKKMK, UGM dan AIPNI.
- 2018, Current trends, challenges, and issues in Agricultural Medicine: “From Rural to Urban, from Ocean to Island, and Molecular to Clinical.” Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Agromedicine and Tropical Disease, Sapphire Ballroom, Aston Hotel & Conference Center Jember, FK UNEJ.
- 2019, Stretching exercise and muscle relaxation progressive for reducing blood pressure. Presented at the 2nd Biennial International Conference on Nursing Education, Practice and Research, Bayfront Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines. Theme: “Advancing Innovations in the Healthcare Profession through Research, Education, and Practice Keynote Speaker: Nursing Research in Academic and Nursing Practices.”
- 2020, Comparison PBL and LBL for family nursing courses. Presented at the 23rd East Asian Forum of Education Nursing, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- 2020, Validity and Reliability of Public Health Nursing Competences. Presented at IHEC 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- 2019, The Relationship Between Parenting Of Young Mother And Nutritional Status Among Under-Five Children In Public Health Canter Of Panti, Jember Regency, Indonesia. Presented at a local event.
- 2018, University of San Carlos Speaker in Research Workshop at School of Health Care Profession, University of San Carlos. Oral Presenter.
- 2022, Universitas Airlangga. Oral Presenter in the 3rd International Symposium of Public Health “Challenging Public Health Roles Towards Global Health Issues” at the 4th Conference on Community Empowerment for Health FKKMK UGM.
- 2007 Diskusi Panel Keperawatan. Invited Panelis. National. December 15, PSIK Universitas Jember. “Peran community health nursing dalam pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat.”
- 2017 Seminar Nasional Keperawatan “Deteksi Dini dan Penatalaksanaan Depresi pada Anak Usia Sekolah dan Remaja.” Invited Speaker National. November 19, Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa PSIK Universitas Jember di Hall Hotel Cempaka Hill Jember. “Strukturisasi dan Fungsionalisasi Fungsi Keluarga dalam Pencegahan Depresi pada Remaja.”
- 2016, Workshop STIKES Pemkab Jombang. “Penulisan proposal penelitian dalam bidang keperawatan dan kesehatan.”
- 2016, Kuliah Pakar FIKES Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. “Penanganan penyakit kronis berbasis komunitas.”
- 2017, Kuliah Pakar PSIK FIKK UNSOED. “Penggunaan model Friedman dalam pengakjian keperawatan keluarga.”
- 2017, Kuliah Pakar Prodi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. “Peranan perawat komunitas dalam penanganan masalah penyakit kronis di masyarakat.”
- 2018, Seminar dan Workshop Nasional Keperawatan “Aplikasi Terapi Komplementer dan Alternatif dalam Keperawatan Komunitas.” Invited Speaker National. July 14, IPKKI Jawa Timur di Gedung Zainuri Universitas Muhammad Iqbal Jember. “Perkembangan Terapi Komplementer dan Alternatif dalam Keperawatan: Studi Evidence-Based Practice di Jepang.”
- 2018, Kuliah Pakar PSIK-FK UNDIP. “Community health nursing and its application.”
- 2018, Workshop Asosisasi Pendidikan Ners Jawa Tengah. “Bagaimana penulisan proposal penelitian dan pengabdian untuk mendapatkan dana Hibah.”
- 2018, Workshop F.Kep. UNHAS. “How to publish research in International Journal.”
- 2018, Kuliah Pakar AKPER PELNI Jakarta. “Keperawatan keluarga dalam konteks pelayanan keparawatan keluarga di Indonesia.”
- 2018, Kuliah Pakar Prodi Keperawatan Universitas Aisyiah Yogyakarta. “Bentuk kunjungan rumah dalam pencapaian program Indonesia sehat.”
- 2018, Kuliah Pakar Prodi Keperawatan Poltekkes Waingapu. “Home care sebagai bentuk praktik keperawatan komunitas.”
- 2018, Workshop Prodi Keperawatan Poltekkes Waingapu. “Penulisan manuskrip untuk publikasi ke international jurnal.”
- 2018, Kuliah Pakar Prodi S2 Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. “How to write paper using literature review.”
- 2018, Workshop Prodi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. “How to publish research in International Journal.”
- 2019, Narasumber di Hotel MaxOne Palembang Sumatera Selatan. “Workshop Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah ‘Strategi Jitu Menembus Scopus’ Asosiasi Institusi Vokasi Keperawatan Indonesia AIPViKI Regional II Sumsel-Lampung-Bengkulu-Babel.”
- 2019, Pembicara Hotel Luminor Surabaya. “Pertemuan Pimpinan PT Keperawatan, Workshop Kurikulum, Publikasi dan Sosialisasi Borang 9 Standar oleh AIPNI Regional IX.”
- 2019, Pembicara STIKES Hang Tuah. “Workshop ‘Penulisan Artikel untuk Publikasi di Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi’.”
- 2019, Pemateri Gedung Serba Guna Jl. Panjaitan Bondowoso. “Kuliah Pakar Prodi DIII Keperawatan Universitas Bondowoso dengan Tema ‘Tips Dan Trik Menjadi Perawat Professional Berbasis Komunitas Yang Update Dan Dinamis.'”
- 2019, Narasumber Gedung Keterampilan Klinik Lt. I Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember. “Pelatihan Strategi Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian Kesehatan yang Kompetitif oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember.”
- 2019, Narasumber STIKES HAFSHAWATY. Pesantren Zainul Hasan. “Workshop Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2019 oleh LP2M STIKES HAFSHAWATY Pesantren Zainul Hasan.”
- 2019, Pemateri STIKes Bhakti Al-Qodiri. “Workshop Penulisan karya Ilmioah, hasil penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat tahun 2019 oleh STIKes Bhakti Al-Qodiri.”
- 2018, Pembicara Universitas Ngudi Waluyo. “Workshop tentang Strategi Publikasi Jurnal Internasional oleh S1 Keperawatan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo.”
- 2019, Pembicara Semarang. “Menjadi Pembicara dalam kegiatan Seminar dengan tema ‘Memperkuat Perkesmas dalam Mewujudkan Keluarga Sehat.'”
- 2019, Pemateri Aula Kampus II UMM Jl. Bendungan Sutami No. 188 A Malang. “Menjadi Pemateri dalam kegiatan Kuliah Tamu dan Kuliah Perdana ‘Perawat Muda, Mendunia.'”
- 2019, Pembicara Fakultas Kedokteran, Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan Universitas Gadjah Mada. “Menjadi Pembicara dalam kegiatan Meridian: Medical Charity Night & Alumni Berbagi 2019.”
- 2019, Pemateri Universitas Faletehan. “Menjadi Pemateri dalam kegiatan Seminar dan Workshop Meningkatkan Luaran Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Faletehan.”
- 2019, Narasumber Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Aceh, Banda Aceh. “Menjadi Narasumber dalam kegiatan Workshop Metodologi Penelitian Bagi Peneliti Di Lingkungan Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Aceh Tahun 2019.”
- 2018, Pemateri F.Kep UNEJ. “Menjadi Pemateri In-House Training Peningkatan Kualitas dan Kuantitas proposal Hibah Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.”
- 2018, Pemateri AKPER PELNI Jakarta. “Menjadi pembicara dalam Kuliah Tamu Keperawatan Keluarga dengan pendekatan Keluarga Sehat dalam pencapaian Indonesia sehat 2020.”
- 2018, Invited Speaker Auditorium Ar-Rahman YARSI University. “Menjadi Invited Speaker dalam International Nursing Conference ‘Service Excellence in Nursing to Improve Best Quality of Health at Hospital and Community.'”
- 2019, Pembicara AIPNI Jatim. “Menjadi Pembicara Pertemuan Pimpinan PT Keperawatan, Workshop Kurikulum, Publikasi dan Sosialisasi Borang 9 Standar.”
- 2019, Pembicara DINKES Lumajang. “Menjadi Pembicara Workshop Diagnosa Penyakit Akibat Kerja.”
- 2019, Pembicara University of San Carlos. “Menjadi Speaker dalam Research Workshop di School of Health Care Profession, University of San Carlos.”
- 2020, Pembicara Universitas Front de Kock. “Penyusunan Literature review.”
- 2020, Pembicara Universitas Singaper Bangsa. “Penelitian dan pengabdian Masyarakat Berbasis Output.”
- 2020, Pembicara Politeknik Kesehatan Negeri Banten. “Penelitian berbasis output di era Pandemi.”
- 2022, Kuliah Tamu di Prodi Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. September 24, 2022.
- 2022, Workshop Penyusunan Roadmap Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Program Studi dan Dosen. LPPM STIKes YARSI Pontianak. June 30, 2022.
- 2022, Lokakarya Roadmap Penelitian dan Research Group Fakultas Keperawatan dan Kebidanan. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) UNUSA. June 29, 2022.
- 2022, Webinar Nasional dan Call For Paper Profesi Ners dengan tema “Tatalaksana penyakit gagal ginjal kronis secara komprehensif baik di klinik maupun komunitas”. Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. February 26, 2022.
Other Academic Experiences
- Interviewer, Indonesia Endowment for Education Agency Indonesia Republic (LPDP RI), 2021 – Now
- Interviewer, Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), 2023
- Interviewer, Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia (BPI), 2023
- National Reviewer, Directorate General Of Higher Education, Research, And Technology (DRPTM), 2022 – Now
- National Reviewer, National Research and Innovation Agency, Now
- National Reviewer, Competitive National Program PKKM and Matching Fund , 2023
- Person In Charge, Freedom of Learning Independent Campus (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) of The Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB), 2022 – Now
- Reviewer, Lecturer Certification and Lecturer Workload (BKD), 2022.
- Chairperson of Community Health Nursing Council East Java Region (IPKKI), 2023 – 2028</span >
- of Chairperson of Community Health Nursing Council East Java Region (IPKKI), 2018-2023</span >
- Disability Prevent, Global Zero Leprosy International, 2020-2024