On Friday 03 May 2019, Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) conducted a talk on the prevention of sexual harassment on university campuses in Indonesia. This discussion was in response to the recent development of the increasing number of sexual harassment cases at Indonesian universities. The participants present discussed the potential advocacy and brought to consideration the alternative strategies to prevent a number of sexual harassments experienced by female students. There are sensitive cases and many such incidents are not reported because they concern the private matters of victims.

The event was attended by the researchers and assistant researchers of CHRM2, researchers of Women and Children Research Group of the University of Jember Faculty of Law, and activists of Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Jentera Perempuan Indonesia. From this talk, it was decided to bring a synergy of the three institutions so that it will create an inclusive campus for female students

This discussion assessed how to address the issue and defined the prosecution of perpetrators of sexual harassment into three measures. First, there are the legal measures which bring cases to the court. Second, there are the academic measures that strive to take appropriate actions with employment sanction. Third, and finally, there are social sanctions that can be applied to punish the perpetrators, including sanctions that can help female students protect themselves from potential harassment.

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