On 26 October, the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights/JSEAHR and the director of the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration/CHRM2 shared his experience with 13 authors whose articles have been selected by Jurnal HAM, a journal managed by the Research and development of law (Litbang) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The selected authors coming from various institutions such as lecturers from Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Negeri Medan, Universitas Trujonoyo, Universitas Islam Negeri Malang, National Research and Innovative Agency, and some researchers from the Litbang of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

The editor explained the peer-review process during the submission in the JSEAHR. As the only human rights journal indexed by Scopus-Elsevier in Southeast Asia, JSEAHR applies very strict peer-review to maintain the quality of all articles. The editor further explained that he also applied this peer-review standard to 13 articles to which he was assigned by Jurnal HAM. In the last session of his speech, he expected that all authors will revise the papers before officially submit them to the Jurnal HAM.

Another speaker in the symposium is Lilis Mulyani, the chair of Research Centre of Law at BRIN. She also emphasized the importance of peer-review for academic articles to maintain the quality of the article.

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