Call for Papers 4th Conference on Human Rights | 13-15 October 2019

Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Theory Meets Practice The 4th conference on Human Rights provides a platform for academics, human rights activists and practitioners to explore current human rights issues in Southeast Asia. Date: 13-15 October 2019 Venue: Conference Hall, University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia Call for papers The call for papers is now […]

Book Launch on Human Rights | Sunday, 10 December 2017

The book titled, “Dialektika Universalisme dan Relativisme Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia” will be launched on 10th December 2017 in the commemoration of human rights day. The event is held by CHRM2 in cooperation with Indonesian Consortium of Human Rights Lecturers (SEPAHAM Indonesia).

Discussion: Vulnerable Groups and Legal Aid | Friday, 15 September 2017

The event is under the theme,“the protection and fulfillment of the right of vulnerable groups in Jember and its relation to the right to legal aid.” It will highlight human rights issues in Jember as a means to encourage the awareness of the local government in regard to marginal communities to obtain their constitutional rights. […]