On November 22nd, 2019, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration hosted “Human Rights Cities and Local Democracies: Seminar on International Practices” with the International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID), the National Commission on Human Rights (KOMNAS HAM), and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI). The event was held on the Universitas Jember campus and featured speakers and guests from over five countries.

The event began with an opening from Mugiyanto of INFID, and proceeded with engaged presentations from four invited speakers. These speakers were Amanda Flety Martinez from United Cities and Local Government (UCLG-CISDP) of Spain, Soo Yon Suh from the Asia Democracy Network (ADN) of South Korea, Nicole Immler of the University of Humanisitic Studies Utrecht of the Netherlands, and Manuel Monteiro of the HAK Association of Timor-Leste. Guests included students, lecturers, and friends of Universitas Jember.

The presentations included poems, stories, and descriptions of case studies revolving around how cities throughout the world have been working to develop more human rights oriented infrastructure and governance. Speakers and guests spoke a mix of three languages, which was translated into both English and Indonesian for discussion. Each speaker prioritized the interests and topics of event attendees by inviting a lively question and answer period throughout the session. The variety of presented material and engaging format was complementary to the complex and multi-dimensional concept of human rights cities.

The event, much like the work and methodology of CHRM2, reflected an international and multidisciplinary approach to human rights considerations. In addition to offering best practices of human rights-centered city governance, the event invited students to seek conversations and answers in their immediate community.

The seminar marks a continued effort of CHRM2 to inspire conversations about human rights in the Jember community.

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