Two CHRM researchers had presenting their paper on 2019 “International
Conference on Fake News and Election in Asia” last week. This conference was held
by Asia Centre and took place in Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalangkorn
University and Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand on 10 th – 13 th July 2019. Jember
University has also being a co- host with another partner’s conference.
First speaker from CHRM is Fenny Tria Yunita that concerning about digital
democracy: phenomenon of black campaign and hoax spreads towards 2019
presidential election in Indonesia and its relation between Indonesian Political Culture.
The second speaker is Evyta Rosiyanti Ramadhani with her paper about slogan that be
utilized for spreads hoaxes on electronic and online media. More than 80 participants
and 46 paper presenters, with 13 discussion panels had attended this conference. This
conference has followed by presenter from various country, such as Indonesia,
Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and many
others. Besides having a presenter from Asia, this academic forum has also gathered the
divers perspective of fake news from American, African, and Europian participants in
a plenary discussion. All panel consisting lecturers, researchers, representatives of
government institution (parliament and executive branch) NGO’s (Non-Government
Organization) and also master or Ph.D. candidates from the various university.
This conference has opened by Executive Director of Asia Centre, Robin
Ramcharan and first panelis. The Plenary Session and Panel Session were held by 3
days and it closed by Regional Director of Asia Centre Thailand and Malaysia, James
Gomes with partnership meeting and dinner in Sukosol Hotel. This conference has
generated of recommendations, proceeding and book project as post conference
publication. In additional, Asia Centre also proposed a partnership for the next
annual conference of Hate Speech in Asia in 2020.