On 19-20 September 2019, CHRM2 along with UNEJ Faculty of Law and Komnas Perempuan held a discussion entitled “Consultation on the Fulfillment of Women’s Rights through Regional Policies for the Regency/and City Regional Governments in East Java Province.” This training invited the Regional Legislative Council and the representative of the regional governments East Java which have partnered with the Centre.

In this discussion, several points are necessary to realize immediately. First is fostering and monitoring Regional Regulations both from the surrounding community or regional and central institutions. Second is efforts to reduce the number of regional regulations by ensuring their quality. Third is regional governments’ efforts to improve the supervision of regional regulations to ensuring friendly-regulations to the protection of women and anti-discrimination.

In addition to such three points above, several points highlight efforts to maximizing the role of the Regional Representative Council (DPRD) in monitoring and reviewing the regional regulation. These efforts in the function of DPRD conform with Government Regulation No. 12 of 2018. This regulation discusses the mechanism for the preparation of regulations, functions, and duties of DPRD. By driving it to this direction, these means will assist the DPRD performance in carrying out function to review and monitor local regulations at the regional level.

Contributor: Bahjah Ayu Bakta

Editor: Muhammad Bahrul

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