Copenhagenize Index 2019 reported that there is no city in Indonesia included in bicycler-friendly cities. This report placed Copenhagen in Denmark has become the most bicycler-friendly city followed by some cities in Western Europe such as Amsterdam, Oslo, Paris, Helsinki, Barcelona, and Berlin.

CHRM2 responds to this report. This effort aims to encourage the government to improve its policy for better treatment for bikers, and to be sure, to reduce air pollution in Jember.

Therefore, on September 13th, 2019, CHRM2 together with the University Cycling Club (TCC37) held Ring The Bell (RTB) #06. This event was aimed at keeping and continuing the campaign to reduce air pollution by biking to work, campus, etc. Public attention for the event has grown bigger each month and more people have joined each RTB event we have held this year.

In this event, we invited institutions, such as Kantor Pajak Pratama (KPP) and Kantor Bea Cukai, resulting in an increased number of participants. We here at the Centre and our partner, TCC37, fully hope that our campaign will gain more public attention so that we can make a change and reduce air pollution in Jember.

This event was attended by more than 100 participants. They were from UNEJ’s academia, Jawa Pos, sponsoring partners and others.

Participants joining to this event were enthusiastic because there were significant companies sponsoring the campaign. Such companies—including Mandiri Bank, Polygon, Rodalink, Indonesia National Bank (BNI), and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI)—have provided prizes and full support to our campaign.

See you soon at our RTB #07 in October 2019!

Contributor: Arum | Picture: Ikhwan Firjaun
Editor: Muhammad Bahrul

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