DIEN VIDIA ROSA (Researcher)
S.Sos. (University of Jember), M.A. (Gadjah Mada University)
Email: dien.fisip@unej.ac.id
Dien Vidia Rosa is a lecturer at Department of Sociology, University of Jember. She obtained Bachelor of Social Science from University of Jember (2006) and Master of Art from Gadjah Mada University in 2017. She has joined the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) since December 2018. Her research interests and works focus on sociology of media and film studies, Sociology of youth, political identity and cultural studies.
Bachelor of Social Science degree (S.Sos.), Department of Sociology, University of Jember, 2006
Master of Arts (M. A), Department of Sociology, Gadjah Mada University, 2017
Area of Expertise:
- Film and media studies
- Cultural and Political Identity
- Indegenous and Ethnic Group
Courses Taught
- Contemporary Sociology
- Sociology of media
- Social Research Methods
- Globalization and Postcolonialism
Selected Books and Journal Articles
Dien Vidia Rosa, 2016. Kopi Tiga Dimensi: Praktik Tubuh, Ritual/Festival, Inovasi (Jukstaposisi Ruang Budaya Kopi Using) in english: Three Dimension of Coffee: Practical Body, Rite/Festival, Innovation (Juxtapose of Using’s Coffee Cultural space. In Anoegrajekti, Novi, et all. (ed.) Using Culture and Identity Construction. Yogyakarta: Ombak Publishing.
Dien Vidia Rosa, 2017 “Ruang Negosiasi Perempuan di Balik Revolusi Kopi Using in english: Women’s Negotiation Space Behind Osing’s Coffee Revolution” Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis 2 (2), 63-73.
Dien Vidia Rosa, 2017. “Representasi Kelas Sosial Dalam Ruang Teks Jalanan in english: Social Class Representation in the Street Text”. Layar: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni Media Rekam 4 (2), 41-52.
Dien Vidia Rosa, 2019. “Two Versions of Lah Bako Dance: Representing Agricultural Working Class and Identity Creation”. KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture. Vol 27, No 2 (2019) Hal 285-305
Dien Vidia Rosa dan Hery Prasetyo, 2019. Islamisme dan Pos-Islamisme Dalam Dinamika Politik Indonesia Kontemporer. Ichwan, Nur Moch; Wildan, Muhammad. (ed). 155-174. SUKA-Press berkerjasama dengan CISForm
Dien Vidia Rosa, H Prasetyo, E Jones, M Arianis, 2020. “Sustaining Cultural Legitimation through the Theatrics of Power in the Gong Kyai Pradah Ritual”. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies 15 (1), 29-43. Perempuan Islam dan Intepretasi Pos-Islamisme: Artikulasi dan Praktik Ruang Dalam Media
Other Experienced Academic:
Visiting Scholar, Nanzan University, Japan, March – June 2019