Novotel Tangerang, 24-25 January 2019

Al Khanif, the director of the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) is invited by Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) to present module on Post Legislative Scrutiny (PLS). PLS, an organization funded by United Kingdom (UK) Parliament has operated in Indonesia since years ago mainly to strengthen the role of parliament. Since 2018, WFD has focused and maximize the procedure on how Indonesian parliament scrutinizes the implementation of laws nationally. It has been known that the role of parliament to scrutinize laws ended when the laws are officially enacted by the government. Yet, the UK Parliament starts a mechanism on how parliament is authorized to review the effectiveness of law after it is enacted by the government. This model is then followed by some countries including India and Australia.

Khanif explains the comparative experience from some countries in implementing PLS and how Indonesia should start applying the same model. WFD in this occasion asked him to write a module on PLS for members of local parliaments in Indonesia. The module will be used as the material of PLS workshop for invited members of local parliaments in East Java at the second week of February. WFD hopes that the module can provide notorious information, not only for parliament members but also for university students, academicians, and society in general.

Agus Wijayanto, the project manager of the WFD in Indonesia said that the meeting will be followed by several kinds of a partnership between WFD and CHRM2, including a conference on Post Legislative Scrutiny in Asia that will be co-organised by WFD, the University of Yangon Myanmar and University of Jember Indonesia. CHRM2 will provide copy editor for 18 selected best papers prior to publication in Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights.

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