On 27 February 2023, CHRM2 organized a Discussion Studying in Japan and Taiwan by presenting Prof. Doo Chul Kim from Okayama University Japan and Prof. Hung-Jyuhn Wang from National Dong Hwa University Taiwan. The discussion held interactively for 90 minutes. Prof. Wang provided information about pursuing PhD study by scholarship offered by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan while Prof. Kim discussed on the opportunity to have research collaboration with Indonesian researchers.

The discussion is very useful in fostering mutualism and creating opportunities for CHRM2 researchers and students from the University of Jember. For CHRM2, the discussion is an opportunity for researchers to develop their potential by pursuing master and doctorate degree in Taiwan and Japan. The presence of students from Indonesia can help improve the quality of education by transferring knowledge between international students. Especially now that the two countries have a mission to strengthen networks between countries within the Asia-Pacific region. Also, through this discussion, CHRM2 gains new relationships that can be used as research partners in the future. This is evidenced by the interest of the speakers to participate in submitting their writings to one of the journals managed by the Centre such as Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights/JSEAHR as the only human rights journal indexed by Scopus-Elsevier in Southeast Asia.

The discussion continued with a question-and-answer session, lunch, and group photos.

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