Dr. Jesper Kulvmann
Jesper Kulvmann
Odense, Denmark
tel. +45 23660204



  • Political Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. (1979 -1980)
  • Royal Dental School of Aarhus, Denmark, Doctor of Dental Surgery. (1980 – 1986)
  • Two months stay at The Medical Research Centre, Kenyatta Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. (1985)
  • Nordic School of Public Health, Goeteborg, Sweden, Diploma of Public Health Education. (1995 )
  • London School of Economics, MSc in Public Health. (2006 – 2007)
  • Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, MPhil, Social Policy. (2008 – 2010)
  • Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, D.Phil, Social Policy. (2010 – 2014)

Professional Career

  • Associate dentist, Palmgren & Kjærgaard, Padborg, Denmark. (1986 – 1989)
  • Associate dentist,  B. Knudsen. Working for Danish Refugee Council,   Odense, Denmark. (1989 – 1990)
  • Associate dentist, Horneman, Gabarone, Botswana. (1990 – 1992)
  • Dental officer, Qaannaq, Ministry of Health, Greenland. (1993 – 1994)
  • Associate dentist, M.Nee, London, UK. (1995 – 1996)
  • Dental officer, Upernavik, Ministry of Health, Greenland. (1998 – 1998)
  • Associate dentist, “The Dentist”, Bishops Stortford, UK. (1999 – 2005)
  • Lecturer at the Social Policy and Development program, Department of Social Administration and Program of
  • Philosophy, Politics and Economics, College of Interdisciplinary Study, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand. (2015 – 2019)

Teaching Experience

  • Junior assistant, Royal Dental College, Aarhus, Denmark. (1984 – 1985)
  • Tutor at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford. (2014 )
  • Lecturer at the Social Policy and Development program, Department of Social Administration and Program of Philosophy, Politics and Economics, College of Interdisciplinary Study, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand. (2015 – 2019)
  • Guest lecturer at University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, International summer school, August 2018. (2018 )
  • Supervision of PhD students. (2018 -)


  • Research of attitudes of ethnic Danes, non‐Western immigrants in Denmark and Danish policy makers towards integration of immigrants. A quantitative and qualitative study. (2011 – 2013)
  • Research of physical activity of 1 st year students at Thammasat University. A quantitative study. (2015 – 2016)
  • Research of living conditions of Pakistani asylum seekers and refugees living in Bangkok. A qualitative study. (2015 – 2017)


  • The Costs of Integration – an Attitudinal Study of ethnic Danes, Non‐Western Immigrants and Policymakers, Oxford Library, Oxford. (2014 )
  • “Impact of immigration from new member states to the EU on the welfare states and labour market of existing member states: A case study of The UK, Germany and Denmark”. in Economic Consequences of Thailand joining AEC 2016. Report submitted to the Thai Ministry of Labour. (2015)
  • “ Physical activity and its association with academic performance
    among 1st year students at Thammasat University”. Article submitted to Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology. Article under revision. (2017)
  • “The absence of legal recognition and its impact on the living conditions   of urban Pakistani refugees in Bangkok”, Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights, 1:1, 2017. (2017)
  • “The living Conditions of Pakistani Refugees living in Bangkok”. Report submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (social division), Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Bangkok, Thailand. (2018)

Papers Presented at Conferences or Institutions

  •  “Recognition of Muslims as an ethno-religious group. A Case Study: Denmark”. Presented at the Think tank GOA, Oxford, UK. (2018)
  • The Costs of Integration – an Attitudinal study of ethnic Danes, Non‐ Western  immigrants  and  Policymakers”.  Presentation  at  GRS conference at Department of Social Policy, University of Oxford. (2012)
  • “3F members’ expectations and attitudes towards integration” Presented at 3F (labour union), Odense, Denmark. (2013)
  • “The absence of legal recognition and its impact on the living   conditions of urban Pakistani refuges in Bangkok”. Paper presented at 2nd summer conference at Jember University, Indonesia, “Human
    Rights in Southeast Asia. Are we moving backwards?” (2017)
  • “Urban refugees – and the perpetual fear of arrest”. Presentation at the “International Migrant’s Day Conference”, Chulalornkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. (2017)

Editorial Work

  • Co-editor of “Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights” (2017 -)
  • Reviewer for CPG publications (German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance), Bangkok, Thailand. (2017 -)

Research Interest

  • Migration
  • Integration of immigrants into the welfare state
    • Inclusion of social rights.
    • Islam vs. secularism.
    • Cultural conflicts
  • Poverty and inequality
  • Welfare state reforms.
    • Labour market policies
    • Health policies (financing).
  • Democratization and human rights
  • Globalization and multiculturalism