Dr. Rosnida Sari
Rosnida Sari, S.Ag., M.Si., Ph.D
Lecturer at Sociology Department of Social and Political Science, University of Jember
Place & Date of Birth. Takengon, September 22nd, 1972
tel. +62-0821-6670-4632
Jl. T. Iskandar No. 334 Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh, 23117


  • PhD Student of Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia (PhD 2014, April) | 2009 – 2014
  • Non degree program “Thai Studies”, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand | 2002 – 2003
  • A Program, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta | 1998 –  2001
  • A Program, IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh | 1991 – 1997

Professional Career

  • Assistant Officer for advocacy di UNIFEM Aceh | February – June 2006
  • Lecture of Dakwah and Communication of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh | 2006- 2016
  • Lecture of Graduate School of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh | 2017- present
  • Lecture of International relation of FISIP Muhammadiyah Jakarta | 2001-2002

Organization Experiences

  • Civil Society networking for Syariah Concerned (Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil Peduli Syariah /JMSPS) | 2015-present
  • Interfaith Ambassador ‘Oasis’, Flinders University | 2013
  • President of Indonesian Students Association in Australia (PPIA), Flinders University | 2010-2011
  • Leader of Alumni of Youth Exchange Program, Aceh | 2008 – 2010
  • Coordinator of Gender Working Group, Women Empowerment Bureau, Aceh | August 2007- March 2008
  • Coordinator Gender Working Group, Women Empowerment Bureau, Aceh | November – December 2006

Workshops and International Conference:

  • Indonesia Representative for “Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program” (SSEAYP) 1996.
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada Representative for “Travelling Classroom” (Thailand dan Malaysia)
  • The 21st Century Renaissance Youth Leaders Invitation Program 2005, 6-19 October 2005 (Japan).
  • Gwangju Asian Human Righs Folk School, South Korea 2006.
  • Muslim Exchange Program Australia and Indonesia (2007).
  • One Month Social Worker Training, Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada (May-June 2007, May- June 2008).
  • One Week Comparative Study Malaysia and Singapore (3-10 January 2009).
  • Building Peace Training, Mennonite University Virginia, USA (Februari 2009).
  • Sakyadhita 14th International Conference on Buddhist Women, Jogja ( Juni 2015).
  • Youth Interfaith Camp, Lembang, Bandung 2015.
  • Workshop and Expert Meeting on Education based on Conflict and Transational Justice, Bali, 2015
  • Freedom of Religion and Believe International Conference, Jakarta, 2016
  • National Congress of Female Muslim Clerics (Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia/KUPI), 2017
  • Consultative meeting in ”Mission and Da’wa”, German 2017
  • International Conference on Human Rights, Universitas Jember September 2018
  • International Human Right Training Program, Montreal, Canada, June-July 2019
  • Fellowship for Freedom of Religion and Belief, CRCS UGM, Yogyakarta 2-6 July 2019

Ph.D Thesis: ” Women’s Participation in Local Politics in Aceh ( A Case Study)”. Finished on 2012, Graduate on April 15, 2013 (Supervisor: Dr. Rosslyn von der Borch)

Presented Papers:

  • Australia Living as a Muslim students, OASIS, Flinders University, 2013
  • Heroines in Aceh History, ICAIOS International Conference, Lhokseumawe, 2013
  • Speaker on Monitoring on the condition of freedom of religion and believe training, Legal Aids Association, Bandung 2015
  • Acehnese Women in History, Jakarta Theology School, 2015
  • Speaker on Youth interfaith program, conducted by Jakatarub Bandung, 2015
  • Speaker on Wednesday Discussion of CRCS Gajah Mada University, 2015
  • Speaker on History Class in Thammasat University, November 2016
  • Assisting Workshop about Islam and Culture at Flinders University, December 2016
  • Key note speaker Discussion about Islam in Church community, Adelaide, December 2016
  • Speaker on Peace Camp, Sabang, November 2017
  • Speaker on Youth Interfaith Peace Camp, Bandung, November 2017
  • Speaker on Thematic Discussion in Balewiyata Theology Education Institution, Malang, November 2017
  • Speaker on Academic Freedom Workshop, Faculty of Law, Airlangga University, December 2017
  • Speaker on UEM General Assembly, Parapat, North Sumatera, September 2018
  • Speaker on 4Th Annual Conference on Human Rights, University of Jember, 2019
  • Speaker at Annual Conference on Social Justice (ACSJ), Kupang 2019

Academic Writing:

  • “How Buddhist and Moslem Son Respect Their Mother”, Paper, 2001, tidak diterbitkan
  • “Moslem community in Thailand”, paper, 2001, tidak diterbitkan
  • “Keterlibatan Perempuan dalam perpolitikan Indonesia (Indonesian women and their participation in politics), 2001, tidak diterbitkan
  • “Thai women and politics”, thesis, 2001, tidak diterbitkan
  • “Teaching reading Comprehension by Using short stories through Group Discussion to the second year students of SMA Negeri 4 Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh”, Skripsi, Tidak diterbitkan
  • ‘Chulakatin Ceremony”,feature, diterbitkan oleh “Dharma prabha”Bulletin, UGM Yogyakarta, 2003
  • Komunitas Santi Asoke di Thailand (Santi Asoke Community in Thailand), feature, Diterbitkan oleh “Dharma Prabha” Bulletin, UGM Yogyakarta, 2004
  • “Songkran festival”, 2003,Unpublished
  • Keberpihakan Aturan Legislasi di Indonesia terhadap Kepentingan Perempuan Dikaitkan dengan Penanggulangan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (PKDRT), paper, Diterbitkan oleh Nangroe, Banda Aceh, April 2006
  • “Partisipasi politik Perempuan”,article, diterbitkan oleh POTRET magazine, August 2006
  • “Berbagi Gingseng untuk Kemanusiaan”, article, diterbitkan oleh Aceh Magazine,February 2007
  • “Perempuan dan Kepemimpinan”, diterbitkan oleh Koran Rakyat Aceh, 29 Nov 2007
  • “Keadilan Gender dalam Islam”, diterbitkan oleh POTRET Magazine, December 2007
  • “hak paten kopi solong”, diterbitkan oleh, June 2008
  • “menyoroti syari’ah di Montreal, Bangkok, Melbourne dan Seoul”, diterbitkan oleh june 2008
  • “Pelajaran dari Seorang Yahudi” diterbitkan oleh june 2008
  • “perubahan ritual agama” diterbitkan oleh
  • “Kerjasama pemerintah dengan LSM”, diterbitkan oleh by Rajapost
  • “Between evil and deep blue sea: kisah manusia perahu menuju tanah impian Australia”, Jurnal Lakon 2012
  • “Islam di Indonesia Timur”, Portal KBR, 2015


  • Ilmu Dakwah (Perspektive Gender), 2009 (kumpulan tulisan dosen Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh),
  • Buku “Traveler Perempuan”, Tinta publishing, 2012
  • Buku “Catatan sebuah Perjalanan”, Ombak Publishing, 2015
  • Buku “Merah Putih di Negeri Gajah Putih”: Kumpulan tulisan mahasiswa Indonesia di Thailand, 2015
  • Buku “Hidup Damai di Negara Multikultur” ( kumpulan tulisan Alumni program Moslem Exchange Program/ MEP) funded by Australian Embassy, 2017
  • Islam Kontemporer di Indonesia dan Australia (kumpulan tulisan lulusan Australia kerjasama Australia Global Alumni dan UIN Syahid Hidayatullah Jakarta), 2017

Research Experiences:

  • Multi sectoral Refugees assessment Sponsored by UNFPA and Oxfam (April 2005) (field researchers)
  • Empowering Islamic boarding School after Tsunami sponsored by LAPIS AusAid (June-September 2005) (field researchers)
  • Oxfam contribution for women refugee in two regions of Aceh sponsored by Oxfam GB (September 2005) (Field researchers)
  • Handling of disable people after Tsunami Aceh, sponsored by Kata Hati Institute (kelompok)(Field researchers) 2007
  • Feasibility survey on developing Social worker department of IAIN Aceh (Group)
  • The aplication of UU no 9/2000 about Gender Mainstreaming in Fishery Department, Agriculture and Irigation of North Aceh and South Aceh, 2007, sponsored by RPuK (field researchers)
  • Desa bangkit & Desa Tidak Bangkit : the assesment of progress on the village (kelompok) sponsored by ACARP, 2007. (Field researchers)
  • Evaluation of ” Desa bangkit & Desa Tidak Bangkit : the assesment of progress on the village” after 10 years tsunami. Sponsored by ACARP, 2014 (field researchers)
  • Encountering Buddhism : An Interreligious Experience from a Muslim Woman Scholar, The Journal of the International Association of Buddist Universities (JIABU) Volume VII, 2016
  • Community Development through tourism Sector in Great Aceh ( Home stay program for local and international tourist in Desa Mon Ikeun, Lhoknga, Great Aceh) Published by Jurnal Al-Bayan Vo. 22 no. 34 Juli-Desember 2016
  • Acehnese Women (A History of Acehnese Women Leaders), published by Gender Equality: International Journal of Child and Gender Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2 September 2016
  • “Manajemen of Natural Resources Based on Gender and Vulnerable Groups (Field researcher)
  • “Cultivation of Salted Fish and Economic Development of Female Fishermen”, (Case Study at Kuala Unga Village, Aceh Jaya), Dana Penelitian UIN Ar-Raniry 2017
  • The collapse of our ‘joyah’: the role of joyah in increasing capacity of women elderly in Central Aceh District, 2018
  • Fulfiling Spiritual Necessity of Christian Community in South Aceh, Reseach funded by Center for Religion and Cultural Studies, UGM, 2019