Dear CHRM2’s ETP Candidates,

The CHRM2 team immensely heard from the candidates through the series of interview for the English Training Programme (ETP) 2017. Each one was carefully and meticulously reviewed. We recognise that all candidates in the interview session have shown great potential to be selected for the course. However, we regret to inform you that the team has finally released 12 candidates to join our course.

The final list of the selected candidates is mentioned as follows:

01. Teguh Kasiyanto FISIP Sociology
02. Regina Elisa Wijayanti FISIP International Relations
03. Resky Andiwidya FEB Accountancy
04. Misbahul Ilham FH Law
05. Nilna Aliyan Hamida FH Law
06. Ayu Megawati FH Law
07. Lovika Augusta Purwaningtyas FH Law
08. Nofia Lu’lu’ul Jannah FKIP Early Childhood Education
09. Habi Burrohim FH Law
10. Triya Agustin FISIP Social Welfare Science
11. Zefanya Gabriela Valencia* FEB Accountancy
12. Samuel P. Tampubolon FH Law

* An additional participant due to some participants’ withdrawal from the interview. We contacted her for an interview by email.

It is strongly advised to all candidates in the final list as mentioned above to attend the pre-class session at the CHRM2 Office on the 6th Floor CDAST Building on Monday, 09th October 2017 at 10 AM.

Thank you.

Jember, 06th October 2017
Kind regards,
CHRM2’s ETP Selection Committee

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