The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights held a program called “HUMAN RIGHTS CAMP: BE YOUNG, BE HUMAN BEING.” This event proposed elevating the concern of human rights amongst youngsters, introducing various human rights subjects. This program was designed to ignite a spark of ideas and notions among the participants, creating an active discussion while dissolving the barriers of diverse racial, cultural, religious, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
This program took place from August 12-16 at Ubaya Training Center (UTC), Mojokerto, East Java. This program provided an introduction to human rights, consisting of the following agendas:

- This agenda allowed participants to engage in simulated scenarios that involved applying problem-solving techniques to human rights issues.

- Networking : This agenda is focused on participant teamwork and teambuilding while also assessing problem-solving to increase the participant’s critical skills.

- Collaboration: This agenda invites participants to create a concept for implementing human rights in daily life.
As young pioneers of human rights, participants are required to create a plan and a mind map oriented toward human rights enforcement in their places of origin. The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights will provide and evaluate the participant plans. Finally, the participants will create social media content to expand their range of readers.