Dear CHRM2’s ETP Applicants,

It took the CHRM2 team to rigorously scrutinize the applications for the English Training Programme (ETP) 2017. There were 132 applications from various faculties at the University of Jember. All applicants have great potential to be selected for the course. Each one was carefully and meticulously reviewed. However, we specifically consider all applications based on future perspective, current contribution, originality of ideas, and potential significant impact to the University.

The list of the selected candidates for an interview can be found here.  All the names mentioned in the list are invited to an interview as follows:

  1. The selected candidates in No. 1-7 will be on Wednesday, 4th October 2017;
  2. The selected candidates in No. 8-14 will be on Thursday, 05th October 2017; and
  3. The selected candidates in No. 15-21 will be on Friday, 06th October 2017.

The interview will be held at the CHRM2 office on the 6th Floor, Western Section, CDAST Building at 8 AM. It is strongly advised to come on time.

Thank you.

Jember, 29th September 2017

Kind regards,
CHRM2’s ETP Selection Committee

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