The Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) of the University of Jember organized a one-week course on human rights that involved experts in the field of human rights with various focuses ranging from social and economic rights to civil and political rights. The structure of the course comprises a syllabus which covers the history of human rights, freedom of expression, gender, multiculturalism and human rights, human trafficking, indigenous people rights, and human rights activism and advocacy.

20 participants representing academia, practitioners, and active university students from all level attended the course. Besides having presentations and seminars, participants also had some discussions and sharing experience about human rights advocacy and activism.
Lecturers who represented in the course were Dr. Al Khanif (Director of CHRM2), Dr. Jesper Kulvmann (Postdoctoral Fellow of CHRM2), Rose Barnsley, J.D. (Postdoctoral fellow of CHRM2), Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman (Lecturer at Gadjah Mada University), Herry Prasetyo, Dien Vidia Rosa, Dina Tsalist Wildana and other lecturers with various expertise in Human Rights.

There were also two online sessions by Anis Hidayah, a current commissioner of the National Human Rights Commission who delivered a seminar on human trafficking and Yuyun Wahyuningrum from AICHR Indonesia who delivered institutional based advocacy on human rights. The Centre hopes that all participants get new insights on human rights and networking to promote human rights ecosystem in Indonesia.


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