On February 16, 2021 CHRM2, the Vice Rector on Academic Affairs and National Commission on Human Rights held a zoom meeting to discuss collaboration to run a Masters Degree on Human Rights at the University of Jember. This meeting was initiated by the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2). At the beginning of the event, Al Khanif, the Director of the Centre explained the plan to run the Master program. Professor Slamin as the representative of the rectorate office of the University of Jember explained that the University will support this plan and hopes KOMNAS be part of it.

The Centre initiated to establish this program as a response of the enthusiasm of graduate students from North America and Europe applying the fellowship program offered by the Centre. The plan to build a master’s in human Rights at the University of Jember is expected to be connected with the similar program from Mahidol University Thailand and Gadjah Mada University Indonesia. Khanif also added that the curriculum development will be assisted by the University of Sydney.

The meeting will be followed by a series of online discussion between the Centre and other institutions such as ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission and Human Rights (AICHR), and Asia Justice Rights (AJAR ).

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