Naomi Frim-Abrams








Class of 2023 Princeton University 

  • 3.95 GPA, Sociology major with minors in Urban Studies, Environmental Studies, and Global Health & Health Policy
  • Senior thesis title: “Social Prescribing in the UK: The Role of Organizational Networks and Implications for the US”


  • Sociology Department High Honors
  • Phi Beta Kappa Society Member
  • Global Health & Health Policy Program Senior Thesis Prize Honorable Mention
  • Princeton Office of Religious Life Kenneth Christopher Harris ‘65 Memorial Award


2023 – Present The University of Jember Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration

  • Edit content for the Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights (JSEAHR); assist with departmental events and conferences
2020 – Present Tutoring 

  • Taught violin and academic subjects to adults and children of all ages using MyMentor and Tutorfly online platforms;
  • Provided college mentoring and essay assistance to domestic and international high school students
2019 – 2023 Princeton EcoReps Leader
Project Leader 

  • Raised awareness about sustainability initiatives on campus and created a more eco-friendly dorm environment as an Office of Sustainability employee
May – July 2022 University of Sunderland Health Sciences Dept. 
Arts and Wellbeing Intern

  • Collaborated with researchers at the university to complete social prescribing evaluations and research, assisted local arts organizations with community outreach and wellbeing projects
June – August 2021 Peace Corps Office of Global Health and HIV

  • Analyzed HIV and supply chain data, reviewed literature of those two topics, helped the office develop a COVID training for Peace Corps post staff, ran a journal club for the office
June – July 2020 Catholic Charities Cleveland 
Disability Services Intern

  • Created virtual children’s camp videos and activities, updated job descriptions, reviewed existing training materials
2019 – 2020 Princeton English Language Program 
Conversation Partner 

  • Assisted international graduate students in improving conversational English skills
July – August 2019 Jewish Residential Services Pittsburgh 
Communications Intern 

  • Created articles and infographics about housing obstacles faced by individuals with disabilities, conducted staff interviews, documentation at events
2018 – 2019 Princeton Bridge Year Program Indonesia 
SAPDA Intern

  • Interned for 8 months at SAPDA Yogyakarta, an advocacy center for people with disabilities, especially women and children; created infographics for media campaign, documentation at NGO events, translation help


  • 9 months of immersive Indonesian language instruction, proficient language skills
  • Can speak and understand basic conversations in Hebrew and Spanish
  • Two semesters of instruction in American Sign Language, intermediate language skills
Computer Skills
  • Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint; Google Docs, Sheets and Slides
  • Social media experience – Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc.
  • Canva – posters, infographics, etc.
  • Photoshop
  • R programming, intermediate data analysis skills
September 2021 LearningSpace Certificate –  Developer Course 

  • Trained in E-learning instructional design using LearningSpace platform
2004 – Present Violin