The researchers at CHRM2 have participated as the presenters in the national conference 2017 with the theme, “Human Rights and Eco-Social Justice” held at the University of Tadulako, Palu on 1-2 March 2017. They are Dr. Al Khanif, Dina Tsalist Wildana, LL.M., Fiska Maulidian Nugroho, M.H., Rosita Indrayati, M.H., Muhammad Bahrul Ulum, LL.M., and Adam Muhshi, M.H. delivering their respective papers at the conference from diverse aspects on human rights. To this, for example, Dr. Al Khanif delivered, “Cultural Dialectics and Human Rights within National Human Rights Action Plan: A Case Study of Regional Human Rights Action Plan in Bondowoso District, East Java” and Muhammad Bahrul Ulum, LL.M. presented, “Indonesian Smart Programme: to Promoting an Access to Education? Implementation of Policy and Right to Education in Jember Regency.”

The Conference was organised by Indonesian Consortium of Human Rights Lecturer (SEPAHAM Indonesia), Tadulako Law School, and Human Rights Legal Studies (HRLS) UNAIR Law School. It aimed to develop the reformation of national policies which reflect the task of the government to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights within Indonesian society. It was attended by more than 75 participants from different cities such as Malang, Surabaya, Jember, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Jakarta, Medan, etc., in which presenters were lecturers, researchers and postgraduate students.

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