Telah Terbit! Buku “Nasionalisme dan Etnopolitik dalam Hubungan Internasional : Konsep Teori dan Aplikasi”

Otonomi Khusus Thailand: Meredam Separatis, Membangun Perdamaian Buku ini membahas mengenai alasan penolakan pemerintah Thailand terhadap usulan otonomi khusus di Thailand Selatan. Dalam buku ini menjabarkan penjelasan mengenai sejarah besar budaya Thailand, masuknya agama budaya Islam, asimilasi budaya, konflik separatis, hingga tuntutan otonomi khusus dari kelompok separatis yang di tolak oleh pemerintah Thailand. buku ini […]

Newsletter Brief

As of August 29th, the 7th Conference on Human Rights has concluded at the Universitas Brawijaya. Chaired by CHRM2 Universitas Jember, in collaboration with the Southeast Asia Centre at the University of Sydney, Komnas HAM, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the annual conference aims to promote the academic study of human rights […]


The Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights held a program called “HUMAN RIGHTS CAMP: BE YOUNG, BE HUMAN BEING.” This event proposed elevating the concern of human rights amongst youngsters, introducing various human rights subjects. This program was designed to ignite a spark of ideas and notions among the participants, creating an active discussion while […]