As of August 29th, the 7th Conference on Human Rights has concluded at the Universitas Brawijaya. Chaired by CHRM2 Universitas Jember, in collaboration with the Southeast Asia Centre at the University of Sydney, Komnas HAM, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the annual conference aims to promote the academic study of human rights as well as collaboration between academics, activists, and practitioners within Asia and the Pacific region on multiple fronts. This year’s theme of “Human Rights, Peace, Innovation, and the Pacific: A Synergistic Approach to Sustainable Societies,” allowed attendees to engage with plenary and panel/parallel discussions on diverse topics centered on the need for inclusive and human rights-centric innovation, conflict resolution, and global cooperation.

CHRM2Director Dr. Al Khanif gave opening remarks at the welcome dinner on Tuesday, August 27th as well as closing remarks on Thursday, August 29th. Ms. Fenny Tria Yunita and Mr. Fauzi Rohman presented their paper on “Indonesian Women Migrant Workers in the Gig Economy Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities” at one of the panels on Gender and Human Rights. Multiple CHRM2 research fellows and research assistants, including newest fellow Skaidra Pulley and outgoing fellow Sarah Davisson, moderated panel discussions on topics including Human Rights and Technology, Human Rights Advocacy and Education, Gender, Criminal Law, Social Inclusion and Disability, Indigeneity, Regionalism, and the Right to Health. With the importance of rights-based governance and sustainable innovation for the global future, CHRM2is proud to have helped organize the 7th Conference on Human Rights and looks
forward to the 8th annual Conference hosted by the Faculty of Law at Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya on July 30-31, 2025.