Dr. Al Khanif (Director)
S.H. (University of Jember), M.A. (Gadjah Mada University), LL.M. (Lancaster University), Ph.D. (SOAS)

Al Khanif graduated from School of Law the University of Jember Indonesia in 2003 prior to pursuing his Master Degree at the Center for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies Gadjah Mada University Indonesia in 2004. In 2007, he received Chevening Scholarship from FCO United Kingdom to study LLM in International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law at Lancaster University. He received PhD in law from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London with Thesis titled “Protecting Religious Minorities within Islam in Indonesia: A Challenge for International Human Rights Law and Islamic Law”. He has also been appointed as a chairperson of the Indonesian Consortium for Human Rights Lecturers (SEPAHAM) Indonesia since 2017 until 2019.

Designation     :  Assistant Professor
Qualification   :  MA (Gadjah Mada), LLM (Lancaster), PhD (SOAS)
School                :  Faculty of Law, University of Jember
Research           :  Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration
Email                  :

Areas of Expertise
  • Human Rights Law
  • Islamic Law
  • International Law

Courses Taught
  • Human Rights Law
  • International Law
  • Comparative
  • Constitutional Law
  • Islamic Law

Selected Books and Journal Articles

Al Khanif (forthcoming), Jural Tradition, Islam, and the Constitutional Clause of the Rights of Religious Minorities in Indonesia: Pitfalls or Congruences?, Journal of Law, Religion, and the State (BRILL)

Al Khanif & Fenny Tria Yunita, 2024, Food and Land Policies amid the Agricultural Land Conversion in Indonesia, Law, Environment, and Development Journal (LEAD) Vol. 20 Issue 1

Dian Andi Nur Aziz, Al Khanif, Mimin Dwi Hartono, Ade Anglia Yusniar Marbun, 2023. Examining Qanun in Aceh from a human rights perspective: status, substance and impact on vulnerable groups and minorities, Ijtihad, Vol. 23 Issue 1

Al Khanif & Khoo Ying Hooi, 2022. Marginalisation and Human Rights in Southeast Asia”, Routledge, London & New York

Dian Ayu Widyaningrum, Al Khanif, Antikowati, 2022. Format Ideal Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Mengefektifkan Asas Erga Omnes, Jurnal Konstitusi, Vol. 19 No. 2

Faris Ulul Abshar, Al Khanif, A’an Efendi, Muktafi Muktafi, 2021. Islam and Human Rights: Friend or Foe? Addin: Media Dialektika Ilmu Islam, Vol. 15 No. 2,

Al Khanif, 2021. Military Romanticism in Indonesian Democracy, Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights, Vol. 5 No. 1

Al Khanif, 2020. Religious Minorities, Islam and the Law: International Human Rights and Islamic Law in Indonesia“, London: Routledge.

Al Khanif, 2020.Hak Asasi Manusia: Internasionalisme, Post-Kolonialisme, Islamisme dan Praktiknya di Indonesia“, Malang: SETARA Press.

Al Khanif, 2019. Women, Islam and Modern Family Construction in the Perspective of Legal Pluralism in Indonesia“, Petita: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum dan Syariah, Volume 4 No. 2, 2019.

Al Khanif, et all. 2019. “Kajian tentang Model Rencana Aksi Daerah Hak Asasi Manusia (RADHAM) Kabupaten Bondowoso Tahun 2018”, Jurnal Hukum dan Pembangunan, Volume 49 Nomor 2, 2019.

Al Khanif, 2018. “Pancasila, Transnasionalisme dan Kedaulatan Negara”, Yogyakarta: LKiS

Al Khanif, 2018. “Hak Asasi Manusia: Politik, Hukum dan Agama di Indonesia (editor)”, Yogyakarta: LKiS

Al Khanif, 2017. “Hak Asasi Manusia: Dialektika Universalisme vs. Relativisme di Indonesia (editor)“, Yogyakarta: LKiS

Al Khanif, 2017.Pancasila dalam Pusaran Islam Transnasional dalam Al Khanif, Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
Al Khanif, 2016. “The Discontent of Minority-Majority Ties within the Concept of a Theistic Secular Indonesia”, in Proceedings of the Post Reformasi Era: The Challenges of Social Inequalities and Inclusion, 6th International Symposium on Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 25-28 July.
Al Khanif, 2016. “Amicus Curiae dalam Hukum Acara Mahkamah Konstitusi”, in Proceedings of the National Workshop on Evaluasi Hukum Acara Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Rangka Meneguhkan Kekuasaan Kehakiman yang Modern dan Terpercaya.
Al Khanif, 2016. “Pancasila vs. Agama: Teman atau Lawan?” (Pancasila vs. Religion: Friend or Foe?) In Pancasila Sebagai Realitas (Pancasila as a Reality), Book published by Pustaka Pelajar Publishing, Yogyakarta
Al Khanif, 2016. Islamic Post Traditionalism in Indonesia, Association of Southeast Asia in the United Kingdom, 59
Al Khanif, 2015. “Diskursus Minoritas Agama dalam Konsep Sekuler-Theistik Pancasila”, in Reaktualisasi Pancasila: Menyoal Identitas, Globalisasi, dan Diskursus Negara-Bangsa by Ombak Press, Yogyakarta.
Al Khanif, 2015. Contemporary Islamic Law in Indonesia: Sharia and Legal Pluralism, Association of Southeast Asia in the United Kingdom, 58.
Al Khanif, 2013. Protecting “Deviant” Islam in Indonesia: A Discourse of Religious Freedom in the Context of A Quasi Theistic Secular Indonesia. Scholar Press.
Al Khanif, 2013. Protecting the Rights of Religious Minorities in the Framework of International Human Rights Law and Islamic Law, Global & Strategies, 7 (2).
Al Khanif, 2012. The Rights of Intra-Islamic Minorities: Indonesian Case and Its Critique, Humanitas, 3 (1).
Al Khanif, 2010. Dilemma of Religious Freedom in the Context of Cultural Relativity and State Sovereignty, Global & Strategies, 4 (2).
Al Khanif, 2010. Hukum dan Kebebasan Beragama di Indonesia, Book published by Laksbang Publishing: Yogyakarta.

Selected Newspaper Articles

The Jakarta Post: 2016, Blaspheming Religion vs. Blaspheming Humanity, 23 December, online
The Jakarta Post: 2016, Defending Pancasila to Protect Indonesian Pluralism, 1 June, online
The Jakarta Post: 2015, Indonesia Doesn’t to Further Blasphemy Law, 16 January, online
The Jakarta Post: 2015, Rohingya: The Problem of Minority Groups, 27 May, online
The Jakarta Post: 2015, Questioning a Theistic Secular Pancasila to Protect Religions, 1 June, online
The Jakarta Post: 2015, Tolikara: Majority – Minority Ties and Its Discontent, 25 July, online
The Jakarta Post: 2015, NU Must Deal with Members Persecution of Minorities, 5 August, online
The Jakarta Post: 2015, The Paradox of Religious Intolerance in Indonesia, 16 October, online
The Jakarta Post: 2015, Challenging and Asserting Human Rights, 10 December
Republika, 2014, Gaza Membelah Dunia, 4 August, online
IslamNusantara, 2015, Islam Nusantara Solusi NU Hadapai Masa Depan, 31 August, online

Presenting Papers

2017, Presenting Paper on “Judicial Review on Blasphemy Law and the Future of Minority Religions in Indonesia” at Asian Law Institute Uniting Force, Manila 18-19 Mei.

2016. Presenting Paper on “Human Rights in Indonesia” at Human Rights Academy by Centre for Public Policy and Good Governance Thammasat University Thailand, 7 October.

2016. Presenting Paper on “Judicial Review on Blasphemy Law and The Future of Minority Religions in Indonesia” in International Symposium on Managing Diversity and Fostering Harmony, Jakarta.

2016. Presenting Paper on “The Discontent of Majority – Minority Ties in a Quasi Theistic Secular Indonesia”, in Post-Reformasi Indonesia: The Challenges of Social Inequalities and Inclusion, 6th International Symposium of Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, Jakarta.

2015. Presenting Paper on “Legal (Dis)integration: Examining the Status of Islamic Law in Indonesian Human Rights Law”, Symposium on Asian Comparative Law, SOAS University of London.

2014. Presenting Paper on “Religious Radicalism in Indonesia” in Religious Radicalism in Southeast Asia, House of Lords, UK Parliament London.

Research Grants

Penyusutan Partisipati Masyarakat Adat dalam Tata Kelola Lingkungan di Indonesia, one year research project funded by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), 2023

Political quota for women in Indonesian political realm, one year research project funded by the Research and Community Service Agency (LP2M) University of Jember, 2023

Post-Legislative Scrutiny Study on Indonesia’s Job Creation Omnibus Law, one year research project funded by The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), United Kingdom, 2022

Mainstreaming Women in Indonesian Political Realm, one year research project funded by the Conservative Party, United Kingdom, 2022

The Shrinking of Civic Space in Indonesian Political Context, one year research project funded by The Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), United Kingdom, 2021

Developing a module on post-legislative scrutiny for local parliament members, one year project funded by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (UK), 2019

Food and Land Policies amid the Agricultural Land Conversion in Indonesia, one year research project funded by Islamic Development Bank, 2019

Other Academic Experiences

Convenor of the 7th human rights conference on human rights and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific, 2024 

Visiting researcher at Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) at the University of Sydney, September, 2024

Convenor of the 6th human rights conference on human rights and indigeneity in Asia and the Pacific, 2023

Visiting researcher at Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) at the University of Sydney, September 2023

Legal drafter of the Presidential Decree on the Fulfilment of the Rights of Indigenous People and Indigenous Belief, Direktorat Jenderal Masyarakat Adat dan Penghayat Kepercayaan (KMA) Kemendikbudristek, 2021 – 2023

Guest Lecturer at Graduate School on Democracy and Human Rights, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2023

Convenor of the 5th human rights conference “human rights and human security in asia during the pandemic, 2021

Convenor of the 4th Human Rights Conference on Human Rights: Theory meets practices, 2019

Visiting Scholar, Centre for Asian Law Studies (CALS) National University of Singapore, February – March 2019

Amicus Curiae, Judicial Review on the Recognition of Indigenous Religion, Constitutional Court of Indonesia, 2019.

Convenor of the 3rd human rights conference on issues of migration, discrimination, and the protection of human rights in Southeast Asia, 2018

Consultant, Human Rights Action Plan in Bondowoso District, 2016-2017

Participant, International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) on Democracy and Pluralism, USA, July-August 2011.

Participant, International Workshop on Maximizing Migration Benefit (M2B), Jakarta Indonesia.

Participant, International Workshop on Democracy in Indonesia and Malaysia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 1-3 June 2016.
Consultant, Islamic School Support Network, British Council Indonesia, 2009.