Dr. Erwin Nur Rif’ah (Research Team)
S.Sos. (University of Jember), M.A. (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Ph.D. (Victoria University)

Erwin Nur Rif’ah is currently a lecturer of Public Health at the Universitas Jember. After receiving her bachelor degree majoring in International Relation at the Universitas Jember, in 2003 she granted a scholarship from Ford Foundation to study MA in Social and Behavioral Sciences at Universiteit van Amsterdam in the Netherlands, majoring in Medical Anthropology. In 2007 she was awarded Australian Leadership Award scholarship from Aus-Aid to study Ph.D. in Social Sciences and Psychology at Victoria University, Australia. Her thesis titled “Women Under Sharia: Case Studies in the Implementation of Sharia-Influenced Regional Regulations (Perda Sharia) in Indonesia”.



2007 – 2014 Doctor of Philosophy  (PhD), School of Social Sciences and Psychology, Victoria University, Australia
2003 – 2004 Master of Arts on Medical Anthropology, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Universiteit Van Amsterdam (UVA) – The Netherland.
1997 – 2001 Bachelor/Honour on International Relations, The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Jember, Indonesia
Teaching Subjects

Community Development
Sociology and Anthropology of Health
Organizing and Community Development
Research Methodology
Gender Studies
Reproductive Health
Social and Behavioral Science
Professional Experience
2014 – Present Lecturer at the Faculty of Public Health, Jember University
2013 – 2014 The Head of Quality Assurance Department, Jember Islamic University
2013 Consultant of Indonesia Parliament member (CRL-Constituent Relation Liaison) Program Representative (PROREP) US-Aid
2013 – Present Director of Institute for Social Research and Empowerment (ISRE), Jember
2012 – 2014 Head Department of Advocacy and Development PKBM Madani, Community Learning Centre, Jember
2012 Consultant/researcher of the Komnas HAM for the program of Community/religious-based conflict in Puger, Jember
2002-present Consultant, Jember-based Partner for Yayasan Rahima, Jakarta
2010 Lecturer assistance, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2010 – 2011 Writing Mentor for Department of Learning Support Service, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2011 Research Ambassador for Office of Postgraduate Research (OPR), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2009 – 2011 Library assistance/Rover: Student teaching student program, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2005 – 2006 Lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, Jember University (UNEJ)
2005  Consultant and Researcher for the program of Support to Community Health Services  (SCHS) in Jambi, South Sumatra and Papua, Indonesia Cooperation between Ministry of Health and the Commission of the European Union (EU)
2004 – 2014 Lecturer at the  Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Jember Islamic University (UIJ)
2003-2010 Head division of advocacy and Counselling of GPP (Gerakan Peduli Perempuan), Jember
2002-present Coordinator for professional group of KPI (Indonesian Women Coalition), Jember
2001-2003 Field officer of GPP (Gerakan Peduli Perempuan), Jember
2002 – 2004 Secretary of Women Crisis Centre (WCC) PUAN Amal Hayati, Jember
2000 – present Facilitator on several workshops and trainings on Women’s rights, Gender and Culture, Indonesia
2001-2003 Project Assistance of Jember-based ILO program on Child labour and street children
1998 – 2001 Project Officer of PARAMITRA Foundation, Institute of Community Self Reliance Development, Street Children Program, Jember

2016 ‘Contesting the Urgency of Virginity Test for School Children’, Paper presented in International Workshop: ”State, constitutionalism and Citizenship in Southeast Asia”, Kalibaru, Banyuwangi, 18-20 October 2016
2016 ‘From Freedom to Refrain: The Contribution of Indonesian Muslim For The Concep of Human Security’, The 16th Annual International Conference On Islamic Studies (AICIS), Lampung, 1-4 November 2016
2014 ‘Opening the Door: How the Regional Autonomy Has Made the Implementation of Perda Sharia Possible?’, Jurnal Islam Nusantara, Vol. 2, No. 1, UIN Bandung.
2014 ‘Memberikan Efek Jera Pada Pelaku Kekerasan Seksual’, an article published by Jawa Pos/Radar Jember
2013 ‘Contestesting Perda sharia and Women’s Security in Indonesia’, Jurnal Al-Adalah Vol. 16, No. 1,  STAIN Press Jember
2013 ‘From Freedom to Restrain: transforming the Concept of Human Security into Women’sSecurity’, accepted abstract for the 6th International Indonesia Forum (IIF), International Conference sponsored by Yale University, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, 21-22 August 2013
2012  ‘Questioning Women’s security in Perda Syariah: Critics to Indonesia’s District Policies’, Jurnal Kebijakan Publik dan Bisnis, Inspirat,  Universitas Jember
2011  ‘Conceptualizing of human security within Islam’, Colloquium held by Postgraduate Research Association, Victoria University, Australia
2010  ‘Islam and Human Rights in Indonesia’ Presentation at 18th Biennial Conference of Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA), University of Adelaide, Australia
2010   ‘Islamic Law and Women’s Rights: The study of the Implementation of Syariah-based Regional Regulation in Indonesia’ Presentation at 7th Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2010  ‘Contesting Women’s Security under the implementation of Perda Syariah’, Presentation at the Society of South-East Asian Studies (SEAS) Conference, Vienna, Austria
2010 ‘Women’s Rights within Islam: Learning from women’ Accepted abstract on the First Conference on Human Rights in Southeast Asia. Held by South East Asian Human Rights Network (SEAHRN)-Bangkok Thailand, 14-15 October 2010 at the Royal River Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
2009   ‘Women under Syariah: the impact of the implementation of Syariah-inspired Regional Regulation on Women’, Presentation in the Indonesian Student Association, Victoria University, Australia
2009   ‘Contesting Women’s Security and Perda Syariah: Have Indonesia’s Perda Syariah Enhanced Women Security’, Jurnal Kultur, Published by Centre for Study of Religion and Culture, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta
2007  ‘Women Under Syariah: Case Study the Implementation of Syariah-Based Regional Regulation (Perda Syariah) in Indonesia’, PhD Candidature Proposal, Victoria University, Australia.
2008   ‘Medical anthropology: Useful or useless?’ presentation at the 10th of  AMMA Anniversary,  University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2006   ‘Women, Child Health and Malaria in Papua: a qualitative study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP)’, Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan, published by Ministry of Health, Jakarta Vol 34, No 2 tahun 2006 /index.php/BPK/article/view/2042
Research Experience
2015  ‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Research on Reproductive Health and Sex Pre-Marriage’.
2008 – 2012   ‘Islamic Syariah and Women: Contesting the implementation of Syaria Influenced Regional Regulations (Perda Syariah) in Indonesia’, Ph.D research
2012  “Makani Manuk”: Fenomena Dan Permasalahan, Serta Upaya Pemberdayaan Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) Dari Daerah Perkebunan, Kabupaten Jember
2005   ‘Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) study about health and culture in  Papua’, Ministry of Health and European Union
2003-2004  ‘Macak, Masak, Manak: Javanese Muslim Women’s Experience of Domestic Violence’, Master Research
2001   ‘Perception of civil servant on Golongan Karya after the fall of Soeharto’s regime’, LKTI, Ministry of Education, Jakarta
2001  ‘Indonesian foreign politic in Abdurrahman Wahid era’, Selection of ‘Mahasiswa Berprestasi’, Ministry of Education, Jakarta
2001   ‘The influence of political personality of Abdurrahman Wahid on Indonesian foreign political policy’, Bachelor Research
2000   ‘The impact of urban development on the level of society awareness about health’, LKTI , Jember University
2000  ‘Democratization in Indonesia: critical analysis on Transplacement concept of Samuel P. Huntington’, Selection of ‘Mahasiswa Berprestasi’, Jember

2012    Accepted proposal for AIPI-BOR (Biro Oktroi Roosseno) for National Young Researcher
2010    Conference Grant for presenting a paper on International Conference, Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA)
18th Biennial Conference 2010, The University of Adelaide, Australia,
5 – 8 July 2010
2010  Conference Grant for presenting a paper on International Conference, South East Asian studies (SEAS), Human Security in South East Asia-Vienna Austria, 5-6 June 2010
2007-2011 Australian Leadership Award for Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Australia
2008 Aus-AID Research Grant for conducting research in West Java and South Sulawesi
2003-2004 Ford Foundation Scholarship for Master of Arts in the Netherlands
2001 National Finalist of selection of outstanding Student (Finalis Nasional Seleksi Mahasiswa Berprestasi)
2000 National Finalist of the Scientific writing Contest (Finalis Nasional Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah-LKTI)
1997 Academic Achievement Enhancement Scholarship (Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik) for Bachelor degree
1994 SUPERSEMAR Scholarship for Senior High School
Professional Development
2016 Workshop and Training on MONEV, held by AMAN Indonesia
2014 Training on Community Facilitator, Held by AMAN Indonesia, Jakarta
2014 Training on Reproductive Health (LKP3A-PIKER), Held by Ford Foundation and PP Fatayat
2013 Workshop on Methodology Research
2012 The Asia Pacific Regional Gender & Politics training, held by Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD)
2010 Training for Lecturer Assistance, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2010 Short course for Research Ambassador, held by Office for Postgraduate Research (OPR), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2010 Training for Writing Mentor: student assist student, held by Learning Support Service (LSS), Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2010 Leadership Development REFRESH workshop, Held by Aus-AID, Flinders University, Australia
2010 Leadership Practice Module, held by Aus-AID, Melbourne, Australia
2009 Internship at International Women Development Agency (IWDA), Melbourne, Australia
2009 Leadership Development Workshop, held by Aus-AID, Melbourne Australia
2008 Training on Nvivo application for Qualitative research, Melbourne, Australia
2008 Training for ‘Rover’: student assist student, held by Learning Support Service (LSS), victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2008 Workshop on Methodology research on social science, held by Office for postgraduate research, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2007 Workshop on Demystifying thesis, held by Office for postgraduate research, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
2007  Leadership Development Conference, held by Aus-AID, Canberra, Australia
2007  Workshop on Leadership, held by Australian Leadership Award, Aus-AID in Canberra, Australia
2006 Advocacy training ’dealing with women victim of domestic violence’, held by Minister of Women Empowerment, in Surabaya
2005 Workshop in research method of knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) studies, held by commission of European Union, in Jakarta
2004   Short course on writing academic papers, held by The language Academy, in Netherlands
2004   Workshop on medical anthropology “Reproductive health and women rights”, held by World Population Foundation, in Netherlands
2003 Executive course in Medical Anthropology “Children, Health and Well-being: a cultural perspective” held by AMMA – Universiteit Van Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2003 Workshop on ‘Pesantren (Islamic boarding School) as a shelter for women victim of violence, held by Yayasan Rahima, Jakarta
2003 Training Gender and religions, held by NGO Kapal Perempuan, in Kalibaru – Banyuwangi
2003 Workshop Dealing with Trafficking in the process recruitment of the migrant workerlasf. Held by Coalition of Indonesian Women (KPI) in Jember
2002 Workshop on handling and preventing trafficking. Held by Minister of Women Empowerment, in Surabaya
2002 Advocacy Training on gender sensitivity. Held by PUAN Amal Hayati, in Jakarta
2001 Training on Reproductive health. Held by Coordination Committee of National Family Planning (BKKBN), Jakarta
2001   Advocacy   Training for Field Officer of Women who suffered from Rape held by Women Awareness Consortium in cooperating with Law Advisory, Brawijaya University, in Jember
2000 National seminar on ‘The role of religion in order to eradicate violence against women’. Held by WCC Puan Amal Hayati and United Nations Population Fund, in Jakarta
2000   Workshop Formulating Child Labor Prevention Models, held by Child Worker Prevention Network in-cooperating with Canada Fund – The Embassy of Canada, in Bogor
1999   Training for Trainer of Election Watch – University Network for Fair and Free Election (UNFREL), in Surabaya