Muhammad Bahrul Ulum
S.H. (University of Jember), LL.M. (Osmania University)
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Muhammad Bahrul Ulum is a lecturer of law at the University of Jember. Since 2017, he has joined the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2), a research centre at the University of Jember. His research interests lie in the areas of human rights, constitutional law, and international economic law, and his work focuses on the intersection of politics, pluralism, and globalization. He has held research and visiting positions at the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan and the Faculty of Law, Airlangga University, Indonesia. He presented a number of papers at the international conferences and has published his selected articles in the Constitutional Review, the Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, and others.
He obtained Bachelor of Laws from the University of Jember, Indonesia (2011) and Master of Laws in International Economic Law from Osmania University, India (2015). His masters’ degree was sponsored by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Scholarship. Before joining the University of Jember, he was an assistant public lawyer at Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Surabaya, focusing on the structural legal aid to promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. In 2013, he carried out the field task to monitor the performance of legal aid services in the Religious Court and the District Court of Tuban, under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia partnering with the Indonesian Centre for Law and Policy Studies.
While being a student, he was the Chairman of the Indonesian Students’ Association in India (2015). He was also the founding member and the first Executive Director of the Forum for Juridical Science Studies (Forum Kajian Keilmuan Hukum) at the University of Jember (2009). He won the National Scientific Paper Competition held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (2009) and the National Law Debate Competition held by Universitas Indonesia (2010). In the end, he was selected as the student of the year at the University of Jember (2011).
Bachelor of Law degree (S.H.), Constitutional and Administrative Law, University of Jember, 2011
Master of Laws degree (LL.M.), International Economic Law, Osmania University, 2015
Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR). Transitional Justice Strategies for Asian Context, “Revealing truth, Reclaiming Justice.” 1-7 November 2017, Bali, Indonesia
Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. The 43rd Southeast Asia Seminar “Economic Growth, Ecology, and Equality: Learning from Vietnam.” 7-13 November 2019 Hanoi, Vietnam
Areas of Expertise
Constitutional Law
International Economic Law
Human Rights Law
Courses Taught
Indonesian Legal System
Theories of State
Constitutional Law
Lecturer of Law
Honours and Awards
Visiting Research Scholarship IsDB at Nagoya University, October-December 2018
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Scholarship, 2013-2015
Ambassador Awards for Excellence, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in New Delhi, 2013
The Excellent Student of the Year (Mawapres) at University of Jember, Runner-up, 2011
Padmo Wahjono Award, National Debate Competition, Winner, 2010
Indonesian Constitutional Award, National Writing Competition, Winner, 2009
- “Democracy, Elections, and Political Parties After Two Decades of the Post-Authoritarian Regime in Indonesia” presented at the 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, “Asian Constitutional Law: Recent Developments and Trends” held at the Vietnam National University, Hanoi (2019).
- “The Limit of Constitutionalism on Emergency Laws in Indonesia” presented at the Asian Symposium on Legal Pluralism, “The Limits of Law, Limits of Legality: Contemporary Legal, Social, and Cultural Issues in Asia” held at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia (2018).
- “Contesting and Negotiating State and Religion in Indonesia and India” presented at the International Conference on Human Rights Issues in Southeast Asia held at the University of Jember, Indonesia (2017).
- “Assessing the Right to Education in Indonesia’s Educational Policies: Access and Quality or Subsidy?” presented at the National Conference on Human Rights in Indonesia held at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia (2017).
Representative Publications
- “Promoting the Right to Education through A Card: A Paradox of Indonesia’s Educational Policy?” Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, Vol. 4 Issue 1 (2019) (with Dina Tsalist Wildana). Download
- “Collective Food Security under the Framework of the ASEAN Community: A Reflection from Indonesia’s Food Policy” Padjadjaran Journal of Law, Vol. 6 Issue 1 (2019) (co-author with Gautama Budi Arundhati and Rosita Indrayati). Download
- “Reassessing the Idea of Non-Egalitarian Islam in Indonesia: A Debate on Constitutional History”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Culture and Language in Southeast Asia (ICCLAS 2018) in Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. Download
- “Revisiting Liberal Democracy and Asian Values in Contemporary Indonesia”, Constitutional Review, Vol. 4 No. 1 2018, (with Nilna Aliyan Hamida). Download
- “Pancasila dalam Arus Liberalisasi Pangan Pascareformasi” (Pancasila in the Wave of Food Liberalization After Reformation), in “Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi” (Pancasila under Globalization) (Al Khanif, Mirza Satria Buana, MK Wardana, eds, 2017). Download
- “Mekanisme Pemakzulan Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden di Indonesia (Antara Realitas Politik dan Penegakan Konstitusi)”, President and/or Vice-President Impeachment Mechanism in Indonesia (Between Political Reality and Enforcement of the Constitution), Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 7 No 4 (2010). Download
- “Implementasi dan Implikasi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Terhadap Hak Konstitusional Warga Negara”, Implementation and Implication of Constitutional Court Decision Toward Citizens’ Constitutional Rights, Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 6 No 3 (2009), (with Dizar Al Farizi). Download