Politics of Memories: Struggle of 1965 Victims Communities in Indonesia

Rian Adhivira Prabowo Institute of Human Rights and Peace, Mahidol University Abstract 1965 is an unresolved case in Indonesia. Going hand in hand with the culture of impunity and historical amnesia of the events, it leaves the “victims” without any legal recognition. This paper will elaborating the idea of France philosopher, Jacques Ranciere, on […]

Land Rights and the Mega-project: Ownership Rights in the Shadow of Land Acquisition for the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail Link

Dr. Alex Grainger University of Kent Abstract This paper proposes to examine how far land rights have changed in relation to land acquisition for ‘mega-projects’ since the New Order period, which “allowed the grant of rights to uncultivated and/or non-residential untitled lands without obtaining the consent of the relevant local community and without triggering […]

Shutting Down the Place of Worship as a Form of Religious Intolerance

Calvin Lucky Krisnadi, Fransisca Fitriana Riani Candra Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada Abstract Rights and freedom to choose religion or belief within the people of Indonesia are guaranteed by Article 28 E, 28 I, and 29 Paragraph (2) Indonesian Constitution. Indonesian citizens are also obligated to choose a religion based on Pancasila ideology. […]