Pre-Election Dispute over Process of Provincial Election in Indonesia: Aceh Case Study

Muhammad Siddiq Armia Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Ar-Raniry, Indonesia Abstract After amendment the 1945 Constitution, Indonesia has adopted election mechanism to implement a value of democracy. Unfortunately, the regulations as a main tool have not completely covered all of election issues. It follows that the election legal systems have only been prepared […]

Managing Indigenous Cultural Rights in Indonesia through Governance Network and Legal Pluralism: An Examination of the 2014 Village Law

Mirza S Buana T.C. Beirne, School of Law, the University of Queensland Abstract This paper examines the development of indigenous cultural rights in a pluralistic nation-state, Indonesia. The examination is conducted in both theoretical and historical-doctrinal aspects. The history of Indonesia’s legal pluralism discourse has fallen in and out of favour. Indonesia experienced harsh […]

Defending Environmental Rights: An Ecological Democracy Perspective

Siti Aliyuna Pratisti, Satria Wibawa Padjadjaran University Abstract Environmental problems are amongst the most complex issues faced by the government. The reason why such problem is difficult to tackle lie within its basic assumption which often contradictory to the country’s development agenda. Take an example of Cement Plant controversy that happened recently – the […]