Dear presenters and participants

Greetings from Jember, East Java Indonesia

The conference steering committee has passed through a very thrilling time in the last two weeks. The committee firstly had to select 18 best papers based on the assessment of their originality, plagiarism, potential for publication, as well as discoveries and unique theories that have significant contribution to the field. The committee received 49 full papers that principally are rich in theories, methodologies and recommendations but conference committee could not select all because of our financial matters. But  we still have a good idea to spread non-selected full articles as 18 best papers to a wider audience through book chapter project that we will launch in second day of the conference.

The second thrilling task that we have passed was to arrange plenaries and panel sessions.  Please check the tentative schedule of our plenaries and panel sessions here

We will update the final schedule as soon as possible.




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