Today, 1 June 2017, all people in Indonesia commemorate Pancasila Day. University of Jember does not only commemorate the day but also has a new book publication on Pancasila titled, “Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi” (Pancasila under the Pressure of Globalization). The book is launched in the afternoon by the Deputy of Rector in Academics, Zulfikar Ph.D in the Senate Hall, the 2nd Floor of the University’s Main Administrative Building (Rektorat UNEJ). He underlines the significance of Pancasila as the way of life in the nation, where in the academic sphere the idea should be flawlessly formulated into publication so that it will be meaningful to the academic discourse.

Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi is the third series of book on Pancasila published in the three consecutive years. It uncovers the challenges of Pancasila interfacing the fast-changing world on the contemporary issues of religion, philosophy, radicalism and transnational ideologies, state-sovereignty, social justice, and democracy.

The publication aims to address Pancasila under contextualization where it deals with various challenges in the 21st century. It also reiterates and probes the position of Pancasila under the pressure of globalization where the context of Pancasila in the early Indonesian independence has been different from the current context.

Al Khanif Ph.D. as an Editor says that the current book is the best among the two previous books. “It took 8 months to publish the book we have read today,” he said. “Through the rigorous peer-review, we want to provide the book which brings impact to Indonesia,” he added.

In his statement, Al Khanif states the progress. He asserts the third book series is more valuable in which it has a higher price than other new books sold by LKiS (our current partner publisher). However, the next book in the fourth series will involve more new contributors from universities around Indonesia.

Al Khanif encourages all participants in the forum to begin the writing culture in addition to oral culture. Accordingly, all publication programs under the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) will be announced in the website and shared in the CHRM2’s Facebook fanpage.

The book launch is attended by Deputy of Rector in Academics, Dean of Faculty of Law, editors, contributors, and invited participants who had previously registered online. It is also attended by the General-Secretary of Indonesian Consortium of Human Rights Lecturer (SEPAHAM Indonesia), Dian Noeswantari, S.H., LL.M. and an Expert from National Board on Counter-Terrorism (BNPT), Khoirul Anam, M.A. The event is organized by the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) University of Jember.

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