After a successful Monitoring and Reviewing Regulation Regulations Training by Parliament held in Surabaya, CHRM2, University of Jember, and WFD held a similar training on March 5-6 2019 at Four Point Seraton Hotel in Makassar.

The training, which was held for two days, was attended by 45 representatives of the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD), Bapemperda, Sekwan and the Legislation Section in the South Sulawesi province. These participants gathered to discuss how the monitoring and review functions of the regulations have been drafted and passed into law.

The event focused on efforts to enable the DPRD to carry out the tasks of monitoring and reviewing regulations and abandoning the current paradigm that only focuses on regulation. Agus Wijayanto (4/3/2019) hopes that forums such as this can influence DPRD members, Regional Development Planning Offices, and the legislative sector in the DPRD to implement these functions directly in their respective working areas.

In this training, CHRM2, The University of Jember, and the WFD also presented speakers, including Rozi Beni (Kemendagri), Lusia Palulungan (MAMPU BAKTI), Nurul Ghufron (Dean of the Faculty of Law UNEJ). On this occasion, Lusia Palulungan explained how the supervision carried out by the legislature through recess. According to Lusia, a recess would be considered the most effective media. The results of the recess conducted by DPRD members were used to propose a draft regional regulation, oversee the implementation of the government, supervise the program, and supervise the budget.

The forum runs with the active participation and with many questions and inputs while conducting reviews and supervision of local regulations. One participant from Selayar Regency (Ady Ansar, 5/3/2019) hopes that this type of training could be conducted for new DPRD members, so that they can really understand how and what should be done by members during their term in office.

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