Dr. Dewi Astuty Mochtar, Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti
Universitas Merdeka Malang

The research entitled analysis of Legal Culture Impact on the Perception of Judges to Manifest Gender Equality at East Java and Bali District Courts will be done within two years. The short term goals (first year) of this research will identify some issues, namely: (1) how is the development and implementation of gender mainstreaming in the court today?; (2) Is there any relationship between their personal values as well as experiences and decisions made by men and women judges?; (3) What are the challenges faced by women judges to carry out her duties?

Furthermore, in the second year, the research aims to make the draft guidelines on legal culture and gender equity materials for eliminating gender discrimination in the court system. The type of research uses empirical legal studies because this research is mainly focused to get information concerning the way of thinking and the pattern of behavior of judges. Moreover, in the first year, the data collection method using interview based on questionnaires with open and closed question techniques and focus group discussion (FGD). FGD is applied to get information more deeply for finding matters that are unclear in the interview process. Furthermore, those data will be analyzed using gender analysis concerning condition and situation of policies on gender mainstreaming in the district court. In the second year, it will be held a workshop for discussing a material handbook on gender equity in the district court.
Finally, the outcome of this research is to publish this paper in an accredited law journal, especially journal of gender. In addition, the research is expected to make a draft guidelines on policies in the field of gender equity in the district court, starting from making the draft, execution of regulations and programs, and till the evaluation process.

Keywords: legal culture, judges, gender equity

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