On January 18th, Dean and Vice Dean of Syariah and Law Faculty Islamic State University of Jember (UIN KHAS Jember) together with the editorial team of Indonesian Journal of Law and Islamic Law (IJLIL) has initiated a meeting to share knowledge about journal development. Considering that JSEAHR, a journal under the management of CHRM2 has been included in Scopus Elsevier. This activity took place at the CHRM2 office in the CDAST building, Jember University. The purpose of this event is learn how to manage a journal with good quality and meet criteria for scopus inclusion.

The event began with remarks and congratulations by the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia, Prof. M. Noor Harisudin. Furthermore, the Director of CHRM2, Al Khanif Ph.D. shared his experience in achieving the Scopus index. At the same time providing advice to the two journals belonging to UIN KHAS Jember: the Indonesian Journal of Law and Islamic Law and the Rechtenstudent Journal.

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