Equality of Inequality

Chairun Nisya Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember Abstract Gender issue has always been there since the day one of humankind. This issue sticks together as the humankind develops faster than ever. In Indonesia, not many people are aware of this issue. Though as the history said that Indonesia was built […]

Portraying the Multitudes: Representation of Identities of Sexual Minorities on Indonesia-based Feminist Web Magazine

Puji Maharani SOAS, University of London, UK Abstract This paper, titled Portraying the Multitudes: Representation of identities of sexual minorities on Indonesia-based feminist web magazine, aims to interrogate the ways in which the representation of sexual minorities in the media opens a space of resistance against heteronormative public discourse on, an Indonesia-based […]

A Critique of the Discourse “Defending Islam” by The Islamic Defender Front (FPI, Front Pembela Islam) as Legitimation of Violence in The Name of Islam

Farah Dina Herawati, S.Sos. Young Leaders Indonesia (YLI) Abstract “Defending Islam” always seems to be legitimacy for hard-line muslim such as Islamic Defender Front (FPI, Front Pembela Islam) to commit violances againts minority. From the police report there was at least 40 violances and incidents during 2002-2008. In the period of 2008-2010 at least […]

The Invisible Disability: the Challenge in Getting the Right to Education (A Reflection on Developing Integrated Intervention Model for Deaf Children with Hearing Aids)

Veronica Diana Asmarawardani, M.A. Family Tree’s Research and Development Abstract Born deaf is never been anyone choice. Numbers of deaf children tend to increase annually. Early intervention for deaf children is important. Parent play major role in the early stage. The decision to kind of intervention influences the following program. Yet, the limitation access […]