Farah Dina Herawati, S.Sos.
Young Leaders Indonesia (YLI)

“Defending Islam” always seems to be legitimacy for hard-line muslim such as Islamic Defender Front (FPI, Front Pembela Islam) to commit violances againts minority. From the police report there was at least 40 violances and incidents during 2002-2008. In the period of 2008-2010 at least 8 cases, and 2009 there were 40 cases, and 2010 there were 49 cases of violance committed by the FPI. In this research, first I use Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) by Norman Fairclough with three-dimensional analysis 1) analysis the context of the discourse production 2) consumtion discourse, and 3) socio-cultural. CDA by Norman Fairclough is it provides an analytical instrument for us to unpack the meaning of discourse. Second concept that I use in this research is post-secularism by Hebermas. In connection with the use of language (linguistic turn) and discourse, Hebermas has the important work Theories des Kommunikativen Handeins, which was published in 1981 and Faktiztat und Geltung in 1996, a work on ethics discourse in politics. This works also possible to describe an ideal use of discourse. Hebermas illustrate the phenomenon of language as the terms of the ideal speech (ideal speech situation). According to Hebermas, the ideal conditions of a discourse is demanding something in common right of every person to engage in a discussion that is guaranteed and free from all forms of domination, both internal and external nature. In conclusion of this research, researcher found that defending Islam (in the true meaning) is not the main motive of this group. But power and no other ideologies were found in this discourse “defending Islam” by FPI except radicalism. Furthermore, there are concerns that the FPI is an organization that supports the oligarchs in power systems Indonesia. Jeffrey A. Winters in his book Oligarchy said that the religious leaders who could mobilize people included in hybrid special category actors.

Keywords: Defending Islam, FPI, Critical Dscourse Analysis, violance, legitimation, interest.

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