Impact of Legal Culture on Judges Perception to Promote Gender Equity

Dr. Dewi Astuty Mochtar, Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti Universitas Merdeka Malang Abstract The research entitled analysis of Legal Culture Impact on the Perception of Judges to Manifest Gender Equality at East Java and Bali District Courts will be done within two years. The short term goals (first year) of this research will identify some issues, […]

The Police Capacity Building Mode in Their Role to Serve and to Protect Society

Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti and Qomarudin Husni University of Merdeka, Malang astinaagra Abstract Law enforcement officials fulfill the duty imposed upon them by law, by serving community and by protecting all persons against illegal act is clear stated on Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement. Research on mode of capacity building enhance among law enforcement […]

The Urgency of Child Budgeting Policy in APBDESA as an Effort in Child Marriage Prevention

Mayadina R. Musfiroh Faculty of Sharia, UNISNU Jepara Abstract The child protection is an important issue that is discussed in almost every aspect of public affairs. Ranging from education, health, social welfare, law, employment and governance. The children issue should be the primary concern of all parties. In response of this matter, Indonesian government […]