Mayadina R. Musfiroh
Faculty of Sharia, UNISNU Jepara

The child protection is an important issue that is discussed in almost every aspect of public affairs. Ranging from education, health, social welfare, law, employment and governance. The children issue should be the primary concern of all parties. In response of this matter, Indonesian government has formulated a legal act No. 35 2002 on Child Protection including derivatives regulations. The Children Protection Act covering five clusters of children rights. First, civil rights and freedoms; second, education, use of leisure time and cultural activities; third, basic health and welfare; fourth, family environment and alternative care; fifth, special protection.

Although it has long been enacted, violence against children is still rife. The number of cases on child abuse, bad parenting, physical abuse, neglect education, economic exploitation including the practice of child marriages in Indonesia are still comparatively high. Bappenas data shows 34.6% of Indonesian children married early. This fact is corroborated by the PLAN data which shows that 33.5% of children aged 13-18 years had been married, on average they were married at the age of 15-16 years. Children age is a significant phase for the psychological and biological development, and also for forming identity before entering the adult stage. Early marriage affects the deprived childhood. Children are forced into the adult world instantly thus will have negative effect on married life and their future. According to BPS data, the average Indonesian people married under 17 years age. Lack of knowledge becomes the main source of child marriage. Indonesia was ranked 37 of 45 countries who become perpetrators of child marriage. This is very shocking and worrying because the next generation is a very precious asset for national development. If this condition continues then it would be very damaging especially in educational problems because most of child marriage subjects are less educated.

This article aims to explore the concept of child budgeting (responsive budget toward children right) in APBDesa. Further, this article is mapping out the challenges and obstacles on child budgeting in APBDesa, identifying actors/stakeholders are involved from the national level, regions and villages, and also how the child budgeting implemented in the Village Budget (APBDesa) to reduce the number of children marriages in the village.
The method used is descriptive approach by describing the importance of Child Budgeting in APBDesa as Efforts to Prevent Children Marriage. Descriptive research focus on actual problems as it was happened at the time of the study. Descriptive method is a fact-finding using the proper interpretation, in this research, study how the concept of child budgeting into perspective in the preparation APBDesa to overcome the problems of Marriage Age Children.

Keywords: Child Budgeting, APBDESA, Child Marriage.

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