CHRM2 Researchers to Join Fellowship on Freedom of Religion and Belief

Fellowship on Freedom of Religions and Beliefs Two CHRM2 researchers are joining the Fellowship on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB, organized by the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies (CRCS) University of Gadjah Mada. The first researcher is Dina Tsalist Wildana. She was selected as a fellow for the Fellowship on Freedom of Religion […]
CHRM2 Organized Conference on Post-Legislative Scrutiny in Asia

The Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism and Migration (CHRM2) at the University of Jember, together with the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and Yangon University, organized a two-day conference on post-legislative scrutiny (PLS) in Asia from 17 to 18 June 2019. This conference is a continuation of an intense collaboration between the Centre and WFD […]
the Seventh Day of Eid al-Fitr, CHRM2 Held an Open House

On the seventh day of Eid al-Fitr, the Center for Multiculturalism and Human Rights Migration (CHRM2), held its annual open house in their office on the 6th floor of the CDAST Jember University building. This open house event invited all colleagues in the CDAST building to celebrate the day together. This year, the event was […]