Human Rights Protection Concerning Reclamation of Small Island and Coastal Area Prepared

Tahegga Primananda Alfath S.H., M.H. Faculty of Law of the University Narotama Surabaya, Indonesia Bustomi Arifin, S.S., M.A. ASEAN Study Center of the University Narotama Surabaya, Indonesia Abstract Reclamation of the Small Island and coastal area in numerous places nowadays are justified as a gateway to improve capital investment coupled with regional revenue. […]

Islam Nusantara: Nyuwang Ngaten Tradition Study among Islamic Society Village Dusun Kecincang Bungaya Kangin District Bebandem Karangasem Bali District in View Islamic Law and Customary Law

M. Khoirul Hadi al-Asy ari IAIN Jember, Indonesia Abstract The research propose about the marriage tradition that develops in the small settlement in Bali. The research was done at the Kecicang hamlet, Bungaya Kangin Village, Bebandem Distric, Karangasem Regency of Bali. there are three questions that examine in this paper, first, how the concept […]

Equality of Inequality

Chairun Nisya Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Jember Abstract Gender issue has always been there since the day one of humankind. This issue sticks together as the humankind develops faster than ever. In Indonesia, not many people are aware of this issue. Though as the history said that Indonesia was built […]

Portraying the Multitudes: Representation of Identities of Sexual Minorities on Indonesia-based Feminist Web Magazine

Puji Maharani SOAS, University of London, UK Abstract This paper, titled Portraying the Multitudes: Representation of identities of sexual minorities on Indonesia-based feminist web magazine, aims to interrogate the ways in which the representation of sexual minorities in the media opens a space of resistance against heteronormative public discourse on, an Indonesia-based […]