ASEAN Regional Human Rights Mechanism: The Prospect on Establishment of Regional Human Rights Court in ASEAN

Adistra Kusuma Waligalit Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada Abstract Regional human rights mechanism is one of the pillars of human rights protection. Currently, there are five existing regional mechanism for human rights: the European, Inter-American, African, Arab, and ASEAN. The current mechanism in ASEAN is still in developing stage, meaning that it still […]

The Legal Protection System of Indigenous Peoples in the Southeast Asia (ASEAN)

Sholahuddin Al-Fatih Graduate School of Government Law, Airlangga University Zaka Firma Aditya Graduate School of Government Law, Airlangga University Abstract Globalization has a bad impact for the indigenous peoples in Southeast Asia countries. The demands of globalization has led the governments in Southeast Asia countries to do exploitation and industrialization of the indigenous […]

The Devastation of Natural Economy and Eco-Justice in The Process of Modern Development: A Case Study in Kendeng-Rembang

Ali Ja’far Center for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies (CRCS) UGM, Yogyakarta Abstract Enhancing economic surplus is required for proposing better social well-being. Plenty effort applied for eradicating poverty, enhancing social life and minimizing other social problems. Conventional paradigm about people would get better when economically getting richer was much translated in the modern […]

Constitutional Debate on Religion and Secularism in Indonesia and India

Muhammad Bahrul Ulum, LL.M. University of Jember, Faculty of Law Ayuningtyas Saptarini, S,H. Universitas Jember, Faculty of Law Abstract This article investigates the origin of the evolution of constitutional debate on religion and secularism in Indonesia and India and provides an account of prospects and challenges on cultural proximities in the constitutional development. […]