English Training Programme: Final Results
The CHRM2 team immensely heard from the candidates through the series of interview for the English Training Programme (ETP) 2017. According to our assessment, we decided to release 12 candidates to join our course. It is strongly advised to all selected candidates to attend the pre-class session at the CHRM2 Office on the 6th Floor CDAST […]
Registration: English Training Programme

CHRM2 offers the English Training Programme, an English course under the Centre by inviting native speakers from the United States. The course is intended to UNEJ students to develop English skills. Please submit the application by 24 September 2017. The notification will be made by 27 September 2017 and the interview will be held on […]
Mapping Human Rights Issues in Jember

CHRM2 in cooperation with Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Surabaya holds a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Human Rights on Friday, 15 September 2017. Under the theme “the protection and fulfillment of the right of vulnerable groups in Jember and its relation to the right to legal aid”, it highlights some strategic issues in Jember. The […]
Book Launch on Human Rights | Sunday, 10 December 2017
The book titled, “Dialektika Universalisme dan Relativisme Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia” will be launched on 10th December 2017 in the commemoration of human rights day. The event is held by CHRM2 in cooperation with Indonesian Consortium of Human Rights Lecturers (SEPAHAM Indonesia).