The Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration
Established in 2016, it becomes one of the University of Jember’s centres with aims to develop multidisciplinary studies, promote research and collaboration specifically in the area of human rights with related disciplines.
Summer Conference 2017 | Friday-Saturday, 11-12 August 2017
The Conference with the theme “Human Rights Issues in Southeast Asia: Are We Moving Backward?” will be held on 11-12 August 2017 at 4th Floor, CDAST Building, University of Jember. It aims to giving a deeper understanding of human rights issues from various perspectives. Additionally, the event is to develop an understanding of how scholars from […]
Human Rights Shortcourse | 6-10 August 2017
In collaboration with Asian Justice and Rights (AJAR), CHRM2 will conduct shortcourse on “Transitional Justice: Strategy and Its Implementation in Indonesia”. The shortcourse will be held on 6-10 August 2017 at the 4th floor, the Centre for Development of Advanced Sciences and Technology, University of Jember.
Tolikara: Majority-minority ties and its discontent
AL KHANIF, The Jakarta Post London | Sat, July 25, 2015 | 10:15 am Most Indonesians were shocked by the incident in Tolikara, Papua, when Muslims who held an Idul Fitri prayer service in a local mosque were disrupted by a violent Christian mob affiliated with the Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI). Some Muslims overreacted […]