Book Display: Our New Book Series on Pancasila

On 31 May 2017, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, Migration (CHRM2) holds book display of new book series on Pancasila. It is to introduce our new book, the third series, titled “Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi” (Pancasila under Globalization) before the launch on 1 June 2017 (the Day of Pancasila). The Centre organizes the display […]

Our Latest Book: Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi

In Commemoration of the Pancasila Day on 1 June, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) publishes a new book titled “Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi”. It is the third series of book initiated by the University of Jember to publish book annually with theme Pancasila (the Five Principles of Indonesia).

Full Paper Guidelines (UPDATE)

Dear all presenters of the Conference, please follow the guidelines to write full paper as below: The Author’s Title & Name, University/Organisation, Paper Title and Contact Details (email, phone, fax) to be stated clearly on the cover page of the paper. Please click here for the template cover page. (UPDATE) All articles should be accompanied by an abstract […]

Confirmation of Attendance

Confirmation of Attendance, Summer Conference 2017 on “Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Are We Moving Backward?” Loading…