Third book on Pancasila to launch today

Today, 1 June 2017, all people in Indonesia commemorate Pancasila Day. University of Jember does not only commemorate the day but also has a new book publication on Pancasila titled, “Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi” (Pancasila under the Pressure of Globalization). The book is launched in the afternoon by the Deputy of Rector in Academics, Zulfikar […]
Call for Articles: Dialektika Universalisme vs Relativisme HAM di Indonesia

The Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2), in cooperation with Indonesian Consortium of Human Rights Lecturers (SEPAHAM Indonesia), seeks articles which display broader knowledge of human rights, specifically discuss the debate between universalism and relativism in Indonesia. The book will be launched on 10 December 2017 as the commemoration of the Human Rights […]
Book Display: Our New Book Series on Pancasila

On 31 May 2017, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, Migration (CHRM2) holds book display of new book series on Pancasila. It is to introduce our new book, the third series, titled “Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi” (Pancasila under Globalization) before the launch on 1 June 2017 (the Day of Pancasila). The Centre organizes the display […]
Our Latest Book: Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi

In Commemoration of the Pancasila Day on 1 June, the Centre for Human Rights, Multiculturalism, and Migration (CHRM2) publishes a new book titled “Pancasila dalam Pusaran Globalisasi”. It is the third series of book initiated by the University of Jember to publish book annually with theme Pancasila (the Five Principles of Indonesia).