Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti and Qomarudin Husni
University of Merdeka, Malang

Law enforcement officials fulfill the duty imposed upon them by law, by serving community and by protecting all persons against illegal act is clear stated on Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement. Research on mode of capacity building enhance among law enforcement to serve and to protect society is need because type of this research in Indonesia still small in number. Violence behavior is done by law enforcement on duty starting from misconduct until violation of human rights that contradict with the police role as servant and protector of society. According the Commission for People Lost, the profile cases of policy misconduct it is show that from year of 2011-2012, police misconduct by action such as shooting 39, torture 31 action, abuse 80, captures 24, and intimidation 30 action. Those misconduct contribute to negative perception toward police and majority of people have little trust to them.
The aim of this research is to identify and analyze regulations and policies relate the role of police in order to serve and to protect society, 2) to analyze obstacles that police facing on duty and (3) to formulate draft mode of capacity building for police.

The research will conducted in two year wherein first year the data will collect using interview tools: questionnaire with closed and open ended question. Furthermore, focus group discussion will also used to get more information in depth to formulate the material draft mode of capacity building. On second year will do two activities such as focus group discussion to improve the material and workshop to discuss more intensive and tested the mode of material in location. Purpossive sampling will used due to time consume and location as target. Police Department in Malang and Denpasar city will used because this sample have a unique characteristic, and it can be explored the legal culture of the police, maybe have contribute to their violence act.

Keywords: Capacity building, the role of police, to serve and to protect.

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