Haidar Fikri
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University

Oki Candra
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University

Politic contestation in Indonesiapacked in an implementation of democratic elections as a national principle. Today’s elections are less presenting value of justice against disability. Various facts can be seen from the absence of disability representative in the legislative and in the executive. Certainly this is quite contrary to the disability population in Indonesia, which according to the National Economic Social Survey (Susenas) implemented by the Statistic Central Bureu (BPS) in 2012, that the number of people with disability in Indonesia as many as 6,008,661 people. Supposedly, to be representative of the disability can sign into government in order to aspire their need. Thus, in the public policy process will be more responsive to disability.

This issue of disability politics tangent to the laws of the Republic of Indonesia number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities, Article 13 describes the same political rights between general public and disability. These similarities are more focused on the right to choose and pick, but the fact in political contestation for the right to choose to implementation. Definitely political parties play an important role as an institution that facilitates political rights advocacy disabilities to the wishes and aspirations of the group. However, practically political parties have not maximize the function of the party to meet the political right have as legislative or executive to look at the inferior of disabilities that are part of a political party.

This research aimed to see the issues in the political system in Indonesia from the perspective of political parties function and disability. Referring to the law political parties function in Indonesia, there are four function, conflicts prevention, political socialization, political education, and political recruitment. The research located in Surakarta, which has 2352 disability people or 0.26% of the total population of approximately 563. Certainly, this case needs to be considered as a minority in the majority of normal. Therefore, those disabilities have equal political rights with other people. Qualitative method is used in the research where primary data obtained through interview and observations while the secondary data using documents and media data. Then the data analyzed using the perspective of political parties function: first responsive political disabilities recruitment, the accessibility of disability toward socialization and political education. Final result of this research serves to reform political parties to realize responsive disabilities.

Keywords: Disability, Political party function, Political right, Reformation

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